easy entry of symbol

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.

Feb 20 2007

Dear TS SUpport team;
Kindly make easy to insert new symbol in qt . it takes for ever to insert new symbol. on other software all you need is to type symbol and charts comes up in seconds. please try yourself and see how cumbersome proccess it is. You can easily come up like " NASDAQ:MSFT".
Also, free quote some time if not in good mood willl not update the chart and you can not update individualy each chart

Kindly expedite, eventhough i have purchased it but can not use it inthis condition

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Joined: Dec 08 2006

Feb 26 2007


We discussed the same issue in this thread: http://forum.tssupport.com/viewtopic.php?t=2855 .

As it was stated in that topic, we will try to make the process of inserting symbol more steamlined, but it is really difficult to implement since the majority of datafeeds provide too complicated symbol names.