MC Symbol Regular Sessions Problem

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.

Mar 02 2007

The built-in Regular sessions (RTH) are incorrect. How is the Template for this edited. I am getting the same chart data displayed whether I use "Regular" or "24 hour" in the symbol setup. I don't want to edit the master template because I need to display the regular sessions on one chart and the 24 hour on another.


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Andrew Kirillov
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Mar 03 2007

Dear J,

1. Run QuoteManager.
2. Under menu select Tools > Session Templates... > Add...


Mar 03 2007

I thought the original poster's need is to display the same symbol using 2 session templates ?

Are you saying we can do that ?
if yes then how do we do that ?


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Andrew Kirillov
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Mar 04 2007

Currenly you can not use 2 custom session templates simultaneously. You can use 24 hrs and 1 session template. It is named "Regular" but actually it just takes settings from QM and can be edited in any way.

The functionality which allows to use 2 custom session templates simultaneously will be added soon.