New Version 2.0 running extremely slow

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.

Feb 22 2007

Is it possible your logging is still enabled and bogging down the new version ? It as well as the last beta ran extremely slow on my computers. They are all dual processors with 2 gig ram. Just running 2 or 3 workspaces. 4 charts in one workspace only 1 in the other 2. So not much of a load.



Feb 23 2007

the drawing tools are definitely a couple of beats slower. You click on a point and it won't hold until your mouse has moved a few inches away.


Feb 23 2007

the same for the addons - in the latest release they are calculated much much slower than they used to and also one workspace takes up to 100(!) MB Ram just for 4 charts with 500 bars back ! definately something wrong here ..


Feb 25 2007

I notice that the backfill form IB at all times not in peak demand hours is also slow as all be it. The older version on MC was much faster.

I know this is a continual beta at this stage, but taking 10 minutes to load data on a chart seems a bit odd.

On the flip side, data from Esignal EOD comes in faster than it did in the old version.

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Feb 28 2007

Could you contact us and demonstrate this problem via HelpDesk?


Mar 02 2007

I find the indicators calculate slower.


Mar 02 2007

Could you contact us and demonstrate this problem via HelpDesk?
How in the world do you expect to see these speed related issues via helpdesk??? CLearly you don't understand the problem.


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Andrew Kirillov
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Mar 04 2007

Is it possible your logging is still enabled and bogging down the new version ?
Logging is enabled by default. Use the file attached to turn it off.
(989 Bytes) Downloaded 11012 times


Mar 05 2007

To turn off logging , what do i do with the .reg file that i downloaded ?

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Andrew Kirillov
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Mar 05 2007

1. Double-click .reg file.
2. Click Yes in the window appeared.
3. Restart MC.


Mar 12 2007

Logging has always been turned on. It does not explain the slowdown in the latest version. What is more worrying is the lack of willingness to invesigate it promptly.

As an example to load 100 bars from the database (IB feed but all data up to date) takes about 10 seconds. There is something pretty inefficient going on here. It all contributes to the slow lumbering feel of MC. To be honest coupled with a bunch of aggrevating bugs I can't imagine anyone taking it on at its currengt price.


Mar 20 2007

I'm experiencing the same speed issues with the latest verison. I use eSignal and have only one chart with one symbol in my workspace. Just right now it took me SEVERAL MINUTES until MC downloaded all quotes. If I switch from one time frame to another it lasts too long until all quotes are downloaded. If it wouldn't piss me off that much that I payed for this software I would probably fall asleep waiting until it downloades the quotes from one time frame to the other.

I wonder how anybody can seriously use this software. Yes, it has potential but at this stage it is not worth the money.

While switching from one time frame to the other I also see that lines you drew in one time frame are misplaced in another. That's lousy!

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Mar 21 2007

I'm experiencing the same speed issues with the latest verison. I use eSignal and have only one chart with one symbol in my workspace. Just right now it took me SEVERAL MINUTES until MC downloaded all quotes. If I switch from one time frame to another it lasts too long until all quotes are downloaded. If it wouldn't piss me off that much that I payed for this software I would probably fall asleep waiting until it downloades the quotes from one time frame to the other.
Dear Guest,

How many bars back/days back do you request? Could you contact us and let us use HelpDesk to analyze the problem?

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Mar 23 2007

At least once per day MCharts stops updating from eSignal
The data is updating in eSignal itself,but not in MCharts
Needs a closure of workspace,closure and restart of MCharts,but this doesnt always work,then need to reload all charts with a different compression and start date,basically forcing MCharts to reLoad eSignal data
Any thoughts

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Andrew Kirillov
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Mar 24 2007

the drawing tools are definitely a couple of beats slower. You click on a point and it won't hold until your mouse has moved a few inches away.
Dear Sir,

Please confirm the issue and explain how to reproduce it.

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Mar 25 2007

the drawing tools are definitely a couple of beats slower. You click on a point and it won't hold until your mouse has moved a few inches away.
Dear Sir,

Please confirm the issue and explain how to reproduce it.
Easy....just use the drawing tools... any tool in any fashion. I tend to work with snap on. Have you ever tried the drawing tools?

Pretty soon you will notice they are completely messed up. They are completely unuseable if you work too quickly. Anything more than a clicks a second or so and you are sure to need to delete the drawing (it will not be where you clicked) and start again and go slower.

There are numerous bugs with drawing tools all been detailed elsewhere.

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Mar 25 2007


We are going to pay attention to drawing tools. I'd like you to contact me via email to explain some drawing bugs and discuss some other details on drawings.

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Mar 25 2007

:roll: Ok, this forum topic seems to be (mostly) about how MC ver 2.0 is 'slower' than previous versions, right? But has anybody made any 'objective' benchmark testing that supports that complaint? I haven't seen any yet. :wink:

In my own experience with using this newer ver 2.0 I have NOT experienced any significant speed performance changes, so it is confusing to me how some others have apparently seen a degradation in speed. Just how many people have experienced any problem related to 'slow-down' between versions? I personally have seen some 'old' problems related to data-gaps that are *still* with us, but those problems do not manifest themselves consistently on EVERY startup of MC and my standard set of workspaces. So maybe some users are 'unlucky' enough to be seeing some aspect of an 'old' problem? I don't know the answer to that.

What I *have* seen is that 'old' issue of data being requested, and then the system hangs up, waiting for data that never comes? It would be easy for this symptom to be interpreted as very exaggerated time-delays in loading several charts, right? 8) I do believe that there has been acknowledgment (by TSSupport) that there is a data-gap issue that usually occurs on the weekends (when there are no real-time servers, and maybe no historical-data servers in some cases?). Could it be that some of these slowed-down-performance posts in this forum topic are really some manifestation of the old 'missing-data' issues?

I would suggest that IF there were already some 'benchmark' or 'example' workspaces provided by TSSupport on this forum, along with some objectively measured performance NUMBERS, then everybody involved would have an easier time of sorting this out, right? If such 'tests' covered both the older and the newer beta versions, and these tests results were posted in the forum-sticky topics, then we would have much better assessment of any potential changes in performance from one version to the next. Without that kind of structured assessments between versions, we will probably continue to lose some important opportunities for squashing some bugs, right?

For whatever it is worth, here are some results of my own testing, done today (Sunday). My objective was to check (i.e., 'measure') how many minutes it takes to load my 'normal' set of workspaces. I started with seven (7) workspaces, each having three or four charts each, and each chart having 1 to 5 data-series each, some with both N-tick bars and intra-day-time-bars. Most of these charts had history-backfill-days of 100 to 365 days, with a couple charts having only 10 days. My TSServer database is probably filled with data going back for about 365 days, so no history data needed to be downloaded (from eSignal, in my case). So how long did it take to 'load' all of this, and calculate all of the indicators(no real-time data needed)?? 30 MINUTES!

Should I be upset about this amount of time? :x :x , or should I just expect that is what would be normal for being such a big size of data? :roll: My computer stats, for reference are: Pentium4, 3GHz, with 2Gbytes-RAM, Windows XP pro. and using the MC beta 2.0.777.777.

To see what happens if I reduce the number of workspaces, I closed three of the seven workspaces, leaving just four, and then closed the MC application, saving all remaining workspaces. Then waited until MC processes were all stopped (about 1-2 minutes later), and started up the MC program again. When prompted to load all previously opened workspaces, I said 'Yes', and started the 'timer'. This time, it took only 12 MINUTES, or 1/3rd of the time. Not too surprising, right? This amount of time was much more reasonable
:) . Just enough enough time to drink my 3rd cup of coffee :D .

Then I decided to make another 'change'. This time I reduced all of my backfill number of days to 60 days (or 10 days for one chart with 1sec bars).
Then I repeated the whole process of saving all workspaces, closing MC, waiting for all MC processes to stop, and then reloading the four workspaces, with 60 days, or less, (of intraday bars). Those all loaded in only 5 MINUTES. :D Not bad. I can certainly live with that! :D

There was another check that I did when I experimenting with the 7 workspaces and LOTs of backfill. I did that same test twice, but the second time I closed my ZoneAlarm firewall suite, [ver 7.0.337,000] BEFORE starting the loading of those 7 workspaces. I noticed that reduced the time from 30 minutes to 25 minutes! So I suspect there is some communications between the database and the MC applications that involves the need for the firewall to be 'checking', right? This communication-link between the database and the other MC modules is via the local-TCP protocol (that is typical of client-server architectures), right?

If these results are considered (i.e., effect of closing firewall), it might shed some light on the some of the problems being experienced by some users. Namely, maybe some users have a firewall that is not configured correctly, or for some other reason is slowing down the inter-process communications?

Hopefully, TSSupport will sort this all out, and give us some more *specific* information in the way of a set of pre-defined workspaces along with their own measurements of time-to-accomplish some specific 'tests' [plus info that might define the test-bed being used]. Only then will this current topic [on loading-time-performance ] be effectively addressed, e.g., such that the users and all beta testers will be less confused, 'frustrated' and 'annoyed', etc. :roll: Merely trying to handle all of this on the basis of one-complaint at a time will not likely be as effective as in a more structured and objective-based approach that is transparent to all involved, in my humble opinion. :P



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Mar 29 2007


I guess people think is it it is too slow to be acceptable. For instance just scaling a chart by using click and drag in the right margin can be sluggish. Markets are closed now and its really not bad enought to complain, However there is a just perceptale delay when preforming this operation. It is often very noticeable and 'jerky'.

I don't know if the cods has been seriously profiled but it seems that there are a couple of bottlenecks somewhere.


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Mar 29 2007


We are going to pay attention to drawing tools. I'd like you to contact me via email to explain some drawing bugs and discuss some other details on drawings.

We are going to pay attention to drawing tools. I'd like you to contact me via email to explain some drawing bugs and discuss some other details on drawings.
Hi Andrew,

Thanks very much for the attention. To be honest anything I wrote would end up looking like the Ensign manual! (or there design document) When it comes to drawing tools it is simply un-paralleled. I would suggest signing up for a trial and just playing with the drawing tools for an hour or two. It would take weeks (and pages and pages) to get across the same amount. It has many neat features that make you think hmmm why did anyone ever do this differently.

The key area is just how one goes about placing copying and editing the lines.

A secondary areas to examine (that I would not expect to see for a while) are the large range of attributes (styles labels anotations and other attributes) and how easy they are to apply using built in tool 'templates'.

Also the variety of tools. e.g. various people have written here requesting a fib projection tool. (ratios obtained from A-B are projected from a 3rd point C).

If a picture is worth a thousand words a working model must be worth 1000^2 :)



Mar 30 2007

I can't agree with you more. Esignal has by far the most robust array of drawing tools. The mosts missed being the fib projection tool. That would be a great addition to MC.


Apr 03 2007

At least once per day MCharts stops updating from eSignal
The data is updating in eSignal itself,but not in MCharts
Needs a closure of workspace,closure and restart of MCharts,but this doesnt always work,then need to reload all charts with a different compression and start date,basically forcing MCharts to reLoad eSignal data
Any thoughts
Is any one going to answer Milton's question?

I'm having the same issues and problems -- MC is slow and at least once or twice a day is stops updating one of my volume charts in my workspace. I have five volume charts in this workspace and the same chart everyday stops updating. I'm using eSignal -- any ideas or suggestions on what to do for both of these issues?