Error message Multichart 5.0 beta 5 : incompatible version

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.

Apr 01 2009


I installed the new Multicharts 5.0 Beta 5:


I get an error message when I click on the icon Multichats :

Title : "Incompatible version"

Message : "Incompatible version of : tsStorage.dll in Module :tsShaper"

(See Doc word attached .)

I didn't get this error message the first time I installed Multicharts 5.0

I got it as I restarted.

If I click Ok, Multicharts start without any problem.

I don't understand because before I installed Multicharts 5.0, I uninstalled Multicharts 4.0.

Hoping this will help Tssupport team.

Good continuation, Multicharts 5.0 is excellent !!! :D :D :D

Doc Error message.doc
(27 KiB) Downloaded 130 times


Apr 01 2009


I uninstalled Multicharts 5.0, I uninstalled owndata and on demande server as well

I reinstalled multichart 5.0 beta 5, I didn't get any error message since.

This is solved :D :D
