MC New Version Update yet?

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.

Aug 01 2006

Apart from the odd problems in the announcement thread how are people finding the new version? I guess as there are only a couple of problems things are pretty much OK? Or perhaps more likely people are hanging on for a few days before upgrading like me?

I'm particularly interested in how IB handling is now? I notice it should be speeded up but does it still try and download data thats already in the cache? No mention of that in the patch notes.

I guess I'm asking are things more solid now for live trading. I don't really have time to set up on a backup machine right now.


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Stanley Miller
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Aug 01 2006

Dear Nick,

As concerns the new versions and updates, MultiCharts includes an automated update check at launch. As soon as a new stable version is released, a window with all the necessary information will be displayed on launch.

Currently the new version is still in beta testing, we recommend installing it only for users that are ready to seek out problems and inform us in detail. For additional information please see this thread:

As concerns IB, in the new beta version all the received data is cached and not requested again.


Aug 01 2006

Hi Stanley,

Thank you for making that quite clear. To be honest if the IB issue is largely fixed in the new beta version I am prepared to put some effort into testing again. I'd rather a bit of discomfort in other areas than the eisting pain in the &^% with IB :-)

Thanks for all your hard work.


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Stanley Miller
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Aug 01 2006

You are very welcome, Nick. Please let us know if you have any problems or questions.