Wrong Daily Chart FDAX

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.

Aug 30 2006


The open price of the daily chart e.g. in FDAX SEP 06 seems not to be correct.

The daily chart on August 30 shows an openig price of 5863 (see attached daily chart), the true opening price was 5888.5 (see attached 10 min chart). The Dax opens at 8:00 CET. The opening price in the daily chart 5863 seems to be the price at 9:00 CET, the former opening time for the Dax. May be I do something wrong...

I use the demo version 1.90.581.872 Beta



Sorry, the upload did not work. May be you can tell me as soon as its possible again.

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Aug 30 2006


You can set whatever sesions times you want for each symbol in Quote Manager. I did that for FDAX


Aug 30 2006

Hi momentum,

Thank you for your hint. The session times seem to be correct in the Quote Manager, Open 08:00. Otherwise I would not get the 10 min data in the chart. Must be something else.

Do you get the correct open price for the FDAX in a daily chart?



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Aug 30 2006

Is the Data feed IB? I think there might be an issue with how MC calculates todays open. Its should use the first tick of the day or open of the first minute (thats if IB does not supply daily open which I think is the case).



Aug 30 2006

Yes, the data source is IB. And the daily chart in the TWS chart application is absolutely correct. Puh, may be we wait until the specialists from tssupport are here...


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Alex Kramer
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Joined: Feb 23 2006

Aug 30 2006

IB does not send the daily open price at all!
It's not a question of MultiCharts handling it right or wrong - even IB TWS does not have the "proper" daily open.


Aug 30 2006

Good to know :-)

IB TWS shows 5888.5 as open in their daily FDax chart today, and this is the true open.

May be you can take the price at the beginning of the session as open price in MulitCharts...better than an undefined open.
