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Jun 16 2024

In Multi Charts are Conditions always declared first? NT does not do so. So wanted to clarify.

Condition1 = h>h1

if Condition1 then buy be3xt bar at market

Instead of simply as in NT8

if h>h1 then buy next bar at market


OZ Trade
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Jun 17 2024

You don't have to necessarily assign the results of a Boolean expression to {Condition1, Condition2, . . . , Conditionn} or any other variable for that matter.

{Condition1, Condition2, . . . , Conditionn} simply hold the results of Boolean expression which are the equivalent of Vars: Cond1 (FALSE), . . . , Condn (FALSE); but without having to declare them as variables.

Your question once again touches more on the absolute basics of programming rather than the difference between software.. perhaps try reading a beginners guide to programming

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Jun 17 2024

Thanks. Then have to figure out why it does not understand a simple statement like "lastswing>close" as no signals show up. Unless when lastswing is becoming true it is not reading >close last? Because both can happen to be true on bar that just closed. Any suggestions as you are the expert.

OZ Trade
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Jun 17 2024

Sorry I have no clue what is this function 'lastswing' as it's not a build-in or listed function in PL Editor. A recognised built-in function will have blue writing and a recognised listed function will turn violet coloured when entered correctly.

That's all I have for you because I believe you need to work from the bottom up here with your understanding if you're going to have any success at all..

I doubt any experienced EL/PL programmer will be along to help until you demonstrate a mastery of the basics, that's to say you've put some time and effort to understand things before asking to be spoonfed

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Jun 17 2024

It is a variable I made to mark swings. I am new to MC. Have spent more time on NT8. So you can help here. A candle loses nothing by lighting another.

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Jun 17 2024

If this is a coding question, you have to post the codes.