Mismatch alert

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.
Posts: 25
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Apr 10 2024

Hi everyone,

is it possible to get alerts if broker positions mismatch strategies positions?


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Apr 12 2024


Check my post there.

Theres a master slave trade copier posted.
But the trade copier also checks for position mismatch between broker and strategy.
When tere is a mismatch it Alerts the User and It also places orders to the broker for position mismatches.
If you dont want tit to place orders just Comment the "PlaceMarketOrder" and "ChangeMarketPosition" commands in the script
Please use at your discretion and test thoroughly before testing live

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Jul 09 2024


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Jul 09 2024


Check my post there.

Theres a master slave trade copier posted.
But the trade copier also checks for position mismatch between broker and strategy.
When tere is a mismatch it Alerts the User and It also places orders to the broker for position mismatches.
If you dont want tit to place orders just Comment the "PlaceMarketOrder" and "ChangeMarketPosition" commands in the script
Please use at your discretion and test thoroughly before testing live
Thank you for sharing your code. I'm not so good to coding, is this the code that I need to get an alert in case of mismatching?

Code: Select all

// Get Set have a mismatch and Alert the Trader if GetSet_Order then begin getset_count = getset_count + 1 ; GetSet_Order = false ; Begin alert(text("ERROR in ",getstrategyname," - Delayed MP for ",symbol,newline,"innerMP : ",inner_mp,newline,"GetMP : ",getMP)); print(File(PrintLogFolder+MasterAccnt+"_"+symbol+".txt"), MasterAccnt, " Corrected ", Symbol , " DateTime :" , datetimetostring_ms(computerdatetime), "getMP : ", getMP ,newline, "MpAtBr4S: ", MarketPosition_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy ,newline, "ChartMP: ",Chart_MP,NEWLINE, "InnerMP: ",inner_mp , NEWLINE, "BrokerMP: ", Broker_MP ,newline, "COUNT: ",count); //newline,"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); end;

Posts: 27
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Jul 22 2024

You would need most of the code from the file because of many reasons. But I have removed some parts which you do not need. But the essential part is below. I have commented Place Market Order so an actualy order does not get sent.

By the way, when you start your strategy, do you start as flat position ?
or as per the position from your broker ?
or as per the position based on your internal strategy engine ?

Also do you want to use this in Multicharts Desktop or Portfolio Trader?

Code: Select all

[Intrabarordergeneration = true]; //[AllowSendOrdersAlways = true] DEFINEDLLFUNC: "kernel32.dll", int, "GetTickCount"; { Description : ============================================================================================ THis version of MPSYnc Strategy does the following: 1. Upon start syncs the market position of the strategy(inner mp) and broker(mp) with the Chart MP 2. As the strategy runs it syncs the broker MP and Chart MP to Inner MP 3. However, sometimes when there is a price channel exit. The Inner MP remains as if there was no exit. SO InnerMP <>0 whereas the real postion of the strategy should have exitted. What happens is since we have the line of code If count>=1 then Begin ... InnerMP = currentcontracts*marketposition....end; The strategy continues with the incorrect Inner MP So that is the flaw with this version } Inputs: MasterAccnt("Algo"), InnerMP_TimeOutMS(5000), InnerMP_LatencyMS(5000), Broker_TimeOutMS(15000), Broker_LatencyMS(15000), Max_Order_Count(3), dataNumforSession(1), MasterSlave(False), Printlog(false), FillAlert (false), BarInttoSec(3600), PrintLogFolder("C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\MCprintlogs\"); Vars: intrabarpersist myprintcondition(false), strvarname("MP"+symbol), strvarname2 ("EP"+symbol), intrabarpersist Chart_MP(0), intrabarpersist ChartEntryPrice(0.00), intrabarpersist Broker_MP (0), Intrabarpersist inner_mp(0), intrabarpersist ReCalcOnCalReason_(0), intrabarpersist order_sent(false), intrabarpersist order_sent_count(0), intrabarpersist dir(0), intrabarpersist correct_contracts2(0), intrabarpersist tick_count(0), intrabarpersist _get_tick_count(0.00), intrabarpersist _get_tick_count2(0.00), intrabarpersist mp_diff(false), intrabarpersist mp_diff2(false), intrabarpersist mp_diff_time_start(0), intrabarpersist mp_diff2_time_start(0), intrabarpersist mp_corrected(false), intrabarpersist mp_corrected2(false), intrabarpersist mp_corrected_time_start(0), intrabarpersist mp_corrected2_time_start(0), intrabarpersist _exit_price(0),day_(0), intrabarpersist condition3(false), is_buy(false), is_entry(true), intrabarpersist currtime_(0), intrabarpersist ChangeMarketPosition_Order(false), intrabarpersist place_correction_marketorder(false), date_(""), intrabarpersist time_(""), correct_contracts(0), intrabarpersist LB(false), intrabarpersist count(0), intrabarpersist isAIon(0) , intrabarpersist prevCalcreason(0), intrabarpersist Calcreason(0), recalcpersist StrategyOff(false) , intrabarpersist TriggerRecalculate(false), intrabarpersist StrategyOffstart (0.00), intrabarpersist StrategyOffCounter (false), intrabarpersist mpcounter(0),intrabarpersist Fill(0),intrabarpersist Fillqty(0),intrabarpersist filltxt(""); Vars: intrabarpersist counter_(0),intrabarpersist session(1), intrabarpersist IsinSession(False), Recalctime( (Broker_LatencyMS+Broker_TimeOutMS)/1000 ) ; vars: intrabarpersist cur_start_dw (0), intrabarpersist cur_end_dw (0), intrabarpersist cur_start_t(0), intrabarpersist cur_end_t(0), intrabarpersist curr_dw(0) , ctime(0); isAIon = getappinfo(aistrategyauto); prevcalcreason = calcreason; calcreason = getappinfo(aicalcreason); LB = LastBarOnChart; tick_count = GetTickCount ; if isAIon[1] = 0 and isAIon = 1 then begin count = 0 ; end; // 1st part of is insession once begin //pmm_set_global_named_num(MasterAccnt+symbol+"cat",category); //pmm_set_global_named_num(MasterAccnt+symbol+"bpv",bigpointvalue); Recalctime = (Broker_LatencyMS+Broker_TimeOutMS)/1000 + 0.2; end; myprintcondition = false; session = CurrSessionNum(dataNumforSession); if session = 0 then IsinSession = false else if session<>0 then IsinSession = CurrSess_currtime(dataNumforSession,session, cur_start_dw , cur_end_dw , cur_start_t, cur_end_t, curr_dw, ctime ); if getappinfo(airealtimecalc) = 1 and isAIon = 1 then begin //*** Condition3 which prevents orders to be sent when Broker is closed *** //date_ = datetostring(datetojulian(date)); //time_ = FormatTime ("hh:mm:ss tt" , ELTimeToDateTime_s(currenttime_s) ) ; //day_= dayofweek(currentdate); currtime_ = currenttime_s/100 ; { if (day_= 5 and currtime_ > sessionendtime(0,5)+1.30 ) then condition3 = false else // Friday After Close if (day_= 6) then condition3 = false else // Saturday if (day_= 0 and currtime_ < sessionstarttime(0,1)) then condition3 = False else // Sunday before Open } condition3 = true ; // All other trading days //print(currenttime_s/100, sessionendtime(0,5)); { if condition3=False then Begin //print(Symbol, ", DAY: ",day_ , " , " , date_ , " , Time: ", time_ ," , BarCLoseTime: ", Time, " , Condition3: ", condition3); Alert(text("CONDITION 3 is FALSE ", ", DAY: ",day_ { ," , " , date_ , " , Time: ", time_ }," , BarCLoseTime: ", Time )); end; } If count = 0 then Begin Chart_MP = MarketPosition_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy ; ChartEntryPrice = AvgEntryPrice_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy ; End else If count >= 1 then begin ChartEntryPrice = entryprice; //AvgEntryPrice_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy; Chart_MP = currentcontracts*marketposition; //MarketPosition_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy; End; inner_mp = currentcontracts*marketposition; broker_mp = MarketPosition_at_Broker; begin If inner_mp = Chart_MP then count = 1 ; // Sometimes you Start your strategy, and chartMP=InnerMP from the start, so count never gets updated from 0 to 1, so when count is still 0, this means that it changes Inner MP to the Charrt P ( which is still the position on the chart when strategy was started) end; //****************************************************************** // Chart and Inner Mp mistmatch //****************************************************************** If inner_mp <> Chart_MP and count < 1 then Begin // Only Changes InnerMP for the First Time Recalctime = (InnerMP_LatencyMS+InnerMP_TimeOutMS)/1000 + 0.2; myprintcondition =true; // ReCalcOnCalReason_ =1; _get_tick_count = GetTickCount ; // Inner Position differs from Chart position if not mp_diff and not mp_corrected then begin mp_diff = true; mp_diff_time_start = _get_tick_count ; end; // enter correction state after TimeOut if mp_diff and not mp_corrected then begin _exit_price = c; // assume that position can closed at close price if _get_tick_count - mp_diff_time_start > InnerMP_TimeOutMS then begin ChangeMarketPosition_Order = true ; mp_corrected = true ; mp_corrected_time_start = _get_tick_count ; end; end; // correction state if mp_corrected then begin if _get_tick_count - mp_corrected_time_start > InnerMP_LatencyMS then begin mp_corrected_time_start = _get_tick_count ; mp_diff = false; mp_corrected = false; end; end; // place correction order and Alert the Trader if ChangeMarketPosition_Order then begin count = count + 1 ; ChangeMarketPosition_Order = false ; if chart_mp <> 0 then _exit_price = ChartEntryPrice; Begin Alert(Text(MasterAccnt, " CHART Position Mismatch ", Symbol , " DateTime :" , datetimetostring_ms(computerdatetime),"MpAtBr4S: ", MarketPosition_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy ,newline, " ChartMP: ",Chart_MP,NEWLINE," InnerMP: ",inner_mp , NEWLINE, " BrokerMP: ", Broker_MP ," COUNT: ",count)); //print(MasterAccnt, " CHART Position Mismatch ", Symbol , " DateTime :" , datetimetostring_ms(computerdatetime), " ChartMP: ",Chart_MP," BrokerMP: ", Broker_MP , " InnerMP: ",inner_mp ) ; ChangeMarketPosition(Chart_mp - inner_mp, _exit_price, "ChangeMP Sync Order"); //print(MasterAccnt, " Exit Price: ",_exit_price); print(File(PrintLogFolder+MasterAccnt+"_"+symbol+".txt"), MasterAccnt, " Corrected ", Symbol , " DateTime :" , datetimetostring_ms(computerdatetime), "MpAtBr4S: ", MarketPosition_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy ,newline," ChartMP: ",Chart_MP,NEWLINE," InnerMP: ",inner_mp , NEWLINE," BrokerMP: ", Broker_MP ," COUNT: ",count, newline,"------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); end; end; end else begin mp_corrected = false ; mp_diff = false; //ReCalcOnCalReason_ =0; myprintcondition = false; end; //****************************************************************** // Inner Mp and Broker Mp mistmatch //****************************************************************** if inner_mp = Chart_MP then Begin If Broker_MP <> inner_mp then Begin //#newline //ReCalcOnCalReason_ =1; myprintcondition =true; Recalctime = (Broker_LatencyMS+Broker_TimeOutMS)/1000 + 0.2; _get_tick_count2 = GetTickCount ; // Print("0th TIMER: ",_get_tick_count2 - mp_corrected2_time_start); // Inner position differs from Broker Position if not mp_diff2 and not mp_corrected2 then begin mp_diff2 = true; mp_diff2_time_start = _get_tick_count2 ; // print("1st Timer: ", mp_diff2_time_start- _get_tick_count2 ); end; // enter correction state after TimeOut if mp_diff2 and not mp_corrected2 and _get_tick_count2 - mp_diff2_time_start > Broker_TimeOutMS then begin place_correction_marketorder = true ; mp_corrected2 = true ; mp_corrected2_time_start = _get_tick_count2 ; //print("2nd Timer: ", _get_tick_count2 - mp_diff2_time_start); end; // correction state if mp_corrected2 then begin if _get_tick_count2 - mp_corrected2_time_start > Broker_LatencyMS then begin // print("3rd Timer: ", _get_tick_count2 - mp_corrected2_time_start); mp_corrected2_time_start = _get_tick_count2 ; mp_diff2 = false; mp_corrected2 = false; end; end; // place correction order and Alert the Trader if place_correction_marketorder then begin correct_contracts = absvalue(broker_mp - inner_mp); place_correction_marketorder = false ; If condition3=true then Begin // if you use <1 then it will send upto 1 market order // if you use <=1 then it will send upto 2 market orders if order_sent_count < Max_Order_Count then // and order_sent = false then Begin is_buy = ifflogic( broker_mp > inner_mp, false, true); dir = iff(is_buy,1,-1); //PlaceMarketOrder(is_buy, true, correct_contracts); order_sent_count = order_sent_count + 1 ; order_sent = true; correct_contracts2 = dir*correct_contracts; PRINT(File(PrintLogFolder+MasterAccnt+"_"+symbol+".txt"),"********************************* !MP MARKET ORDER SENT ********* Orders Sent:",order_sent_count," ***************************", NEWLINE, Symbol ,Newline, "DateTime: " , datetimetostring_ms(computerdatetime), newline, "MpAtBr4S: ", MarketPosition_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy ,newline, "ChartMP: ", chart_mp ,newline, "InnerMP: ", inner_mp ,newline, "BrokerMP: ", broker_mp ,newline, "Order QTY: ", inner_mp-broker_mp , NewLine); Alert(Text(MasterAccnt, " BROKER Pos. Mismatch.",Newline, " Send MARKET ORDER ", Symbol ,Newline, " DateTime :" , datetimetostring_ms(computerdatetime), newline, " MpAtBr4S: ", MarketPosition_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy ,newline, " ChartMP: ", chart_mp ,newline, " InnerMP: ",inner_mp ,newline, " BrokerMP: ", broker_mp ,newline, " Order QTY : ", inner_mp-broker_mp )) ; End else if order_sent_count >= Max_Order_Count then Alert(Text(MasterAccnt, " EMERGENCY ! Sending more than ",order_sent_count, " BROKER MARKET ORDERS.",Newline, Symbol ,Newline, " DateTime: " , datetimetostring_ms(computerdatetime), newline, " MpAtBr4S: ", MarketPosition_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy ,newline, " ChartMP: ", chart_mp ,newline, " InnerMP: ", inner_mp ,newline, " BrokerMP: ", broker_mp ,newline, " Order QTY: ", inner_mp-broker_mp , NewLine, " PREVIOUS ORDER SENT BUT NOT FILLED")) ; End; end; end else begin mp_corrected2 = false ; mp_diff2 = false; order_sent_count = 0 ; myprintcondition = false; //ReCalcOnCalReason_ =0; end; end; //****************************************************************** //****************************************************************** // ORDER ALERTS vars: Intrabarpersist fill2(0); If FillAlert then begin If calcreason = 4 and Broker_MP <> broker_mp[1] then Begin fill = Broker_MP - Broker_MP[1]; if fill = correct_contracts2 then order_sent = false; { fill calculates the Change in Broker MP between 1 order, but when your order is filled over multiple fills: example: broker mp = 4 inner mp = -719 You need to place a short market order of 723 contracts but your order gets filled by 4 contracts and then 719 contracts. So fill = 4 on first bar, then on 2nd bar, fill = 719 } if fill > 0 then filltxt="BUY" else if fill < 0 then filltxt = "SELL"; alert(text(MasterAccnt, " Order FILLED: ", filltxt ," " ,absvalue(fill) ," contracts "{ at ",AvgEntryPrice_at_Broker,"}, Newline, " at : " , datetimetostring(computerdatetime))); //print("Fill: ", fill); End; fill2 = Broker_MP - Broker_MP[1]; end; { If LastBarOnChart_s then Begin print ("Current time: ", FormatTime("HH:mm:ss", ELTimeToDateTime_s(CurrentTime_s)), " . ", " . Filled: " ,Filledorderaction ," ", FilledOrderContracts, " ", FilledOrderPrice," ", getappinfo(aiCalcReason) ,"MPbroker :", Broker_MP, " " , Broker_MP[1] ); End; } End; //Assign Inner MP for Slave //pmm_set_global_named_num(MasterAccnt+symbol+"mp",inner_mp); //pmm_set_global_named_num(MasterAccnt+symbol+"ep",EntryPrice); // 2nd part of Is in session If IsinSession then Begin counter_ = IFF(getappinfo(aicalcreason) = calcreason_timer, counter_ + 1, 0); if recalctime<>0 then Begin value1 = BARINTERVAL*BarInttoSec/recalctime; if counter_ > value1 then alert(MasterAccnt+ " NO REALTIME DATA > " + numtostr(barinterval,0) + " Minutes. "+ Symbol + " DateTime" + " VPS DateTime : " + datetimetostring(computerdatetime)); end; // **** DO NOT REMOVE BELOW LINE OF CODE IT WILL STOP SYNCING YOUR ORDERS ***//// if MasterSlave=False then Begin { if ReCalcOnCalReason=True then begin if (calcreason>=3 and calcreason<=7)or (ReCalcOnCalReason_=1) then RecalcLastBarAfter(Recalctime); end else } RecalcLastBarAfter(Recalctime); End; End; // Condition used to generate print to file if prevCalcreason = 0 and (calcreason=3 or calcreason=4 or calcreason=5) then Begin myprintcondition= true; End else if calcreason = 0 and (prevCalcreason =3 or prevCalcreason =4 or prevCalcreason =5)then Begin myprintcondition= true; End else if (prevCalcreason =3 or prevCalcreason =4 or prevCalcreason =5)then Begin myprintcondition= true; End else if (calcreason=3 or calcreason=4 or calcreason=5)then Begin myprintcondition= true; End else myprintcondition = false; //IF (inner_mp<>inner_mp[1] or chart_mp<>chart_mp[1] or broker_mp<>broker_mp[1]) then myprintcondition = true else myprintcondition = false; if (getappinfo(airealtimecalc) = 1 and isAIon = 1 and Printlog {and calcreason<>3} and myprintcondition ) then begin //If chart_mp<>Chart_MP[1] or inner_mp <> inner_mp[1] then print(File(PrintLogFolder+MasterAccnt+"_"+symbol+".txt"), MasterAccnt, NEWLINE, "Symbol : ", SyMbol, newline, "Tick Count : ", tick_count ,NEWLINE, "Time : ", dateTimeToString_ms(computerdatetime), Newline , "isAIon : ", isAIon, NEWLINE, "IsAiOn[1] : ", isAIon[1],Newline, "Cond3 : ", condition3, NEWLINE, "session : ", session, NEWLINE, "IsinSession : ", IsinSession,NEWLINE, "COUNT : ", count, NEWLINE, "CalcRea : ", calcreason, NEWLINE, "DeltaMp : ", Chart_mp - inner_mp,NEWLINE, "MpAtBr4S : ", MarketPosition_at_Broker_for_The_Strategy ,newline, "ChartMP : ", chart_mp ," ", chartentryprice, NEWLINE, "InnerMP : ", inner_mp ," ",entryprice, NEWLINE, "BrokerMP : ", Broker_MP," ",AvgEntryPrice_at_Broker,NEWLINE, "RecalcTime : ", Recalctime," ",NEWLINE, "Fill : ", fill , NEWLINE, "Fill2 : ", fill2, NEWLINE, "FillOrderAct: ", Filledorderaction ,NEWLINE, "FillOrderQty: ", FilledOrderContracts,NEWLINE, "FillOrderPri: ", FilledOrderPrice,NEWLINE, "Appinfo : ", getappinfo(aiCalcReason) ,NEWLINE, "BrokerMP[1] : ", Broker_MP[1] , NEWLINE, "contracts : ", correct_contracts, NEWLINE, "contracts2 : ", correct_contracts2, NEWLINE, "order_sent : ", order_sent, NEWLINE, "order_count : ", order_sent_count,NEWLINE, "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); end;

Posts: 25
Joined: May 13 2022
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Aug 09 2024

Thanks a lot for replying ,
I usually start my strategies strategy as flat position and I useMulticharts Desktop.