64 bit version of ELCollections.dll

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Dave Masalov
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Jan 23 2012

Dear Users,

Please find attached the 64 bit version of ELCollections.dll for 64 bit version of MultiCharts. Just copy it to Program Files\TS Support\MultiCharts64 folder.
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Jul 26 2020

Do you have the source code for this DLL and also associated documentation?

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May 11 2021

Does ADE.DLL have a 64 bit version ?

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Aug 25 2021

I put the file you posted in the reference folder and it gives me the following error. How can I fix it? Thanks Maurizio
Immagine 2021-08-25 123037.jpg
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Sep 06 2024

Complete Elcollection.dll 64bit with manual and functions file to import.
To work, File must be available at C:\Program Files\TS Support\MultiCharts64

Code: Select all

// Sender code Indicator Vars: Class("DailyAvg"), AvgMap(MapSN.New), MA(0); // Put what ever value, Moving average or Rsi etc... MA = Close; //Store the data we are interested in into AvgMap Value1 = MapSN.put(AvgMap,"Close", MA); //Use ADE to store for current symbol and bar interval Value1 = ADE.putBarinfo(class, GetsymbolName, ADE.Barinterval, ADE.BarID, AvgMap); //plot daily average on daily chart Plot1(MA, "Av", Yellow); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //second data transfer Vars: AvgMap2(MapSN.New), MA2(0); // Put what ever value, Moving average or Rsi etc... MA2 = High; //Store the data we are interested in into AvgMap Value1 = MapSN.put(AvgMap2,"High", MA2); //Use ADE to store for current symbol and bar interval Value1 = ADE.putBarinfo(class, GetsymbolName, ADE.Barinterval, ADE.BarID, AvgMap2); //plot daily average on daily chart Plot2(MA2, "Av2", Green); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Third data transfer Vars: AvgMap3(MapSN.New), MA3(0); // Put what ever value, Moving average or Rsi etc... MA3 = Low; //Store the data we are interested in into AvgMap Value1 = MapSN.put(AvgMap3,"Low", MA3); //Use ADE to store for current symbol and bar interval Value1 = ADE.putBarinfo(class, GetsymbolName, ADE.Barinterval, ADE.BarID, AvgMap3); //plot daily average on daily chart Plot3(MA3, "Av3", White);

Code: Select all

//Receiver code Indicator Input: Interval(1); vars: Class("DailyAvg"), AvgMap(Mapsn.new), myAvgMap(0); value1 = Ade.GetBarInfo(Class, GetSymbolName, Interval, Ade.BarID, AvgMap); myAvgMap = MapSN.Get(AvgMap,"Close"); Plot1(myAvgMap,"DailyAvg",Yellow); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Second Data vars: AvgMap2(Mapsn.new), myAvgMap2(0); value1 = Ade.GetBarInfo(Class, GetSymbolName, Interval, Ade.BarID, AvgMap2); myAvgMap2 = MapSN.Get(AvgMap2,"High"); Plot2(myAvgMap2,"DailyAvg",Green); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Third Data vars: AvgMap3(Mapsn.new), myAvgMap3(0); value1 = Ade.GetBarInfo(Class, GetSymbolName, Interval, Ade.BarID, AvgMap3); myAvgMap3 = MapSN.Get(AvgMap3,"Low"); Plot3(myAvgMap3,"DailyAvg",White);

Another example to check if file exist or not;

Code: Select all

Once ClearPrintLog; if LastBarOnChart then begin if ELC.PathExists("D:\qa.txt") then Print("File Exist") Else Print("File NOT Exist"); end;

Another example to read text file last line.
Text file example
2024-09-06, 16:29:00, 6505.00, 6509.75, 6501.50, 6507.75, 638
2024-09-06, 16:30:00, 6508.00, 6510.25, 6507.50, 6510.00, 217
2024-09-06, 16:31:00, 6509.75, 6512.00, 6509.50, 6511.25, 201
2024-09-06, 16:32:00, 6511.50, 6512.00, 6511.00, 6511.25, 131
2024-09-06, 16:33:00, 6511.00, 6511.50, 6511.00, 6511.50, 111

Code: Select all

vars: FileName("D:test.txt"), ListC_ID(ListC.New), ListDate_ID(0), ListTime_ID(0), ListOpen_ID(0), ListHigh_ID(0), ListLow_ID(0), ListClose_ID(0), ListVolume_ID(0), MyDate(""), MyTime(""), MyOpen(0), MyHigh(0), MyLow(0), MyClose(0), MyVolume(0); if CurrentBar = 1 then begin // Read entire file Value1 = ListC.ReadFile(ListC_ID, FileName); // Determine columns to read into list ListDate_ID = ListC.Get(ListC_ID, 2); ListTime_ID = ListC.Get(ListC_ID, 3); ListOpen_ID = ListC.Get(ListC_ID, 4); ListHigh_ID = ListC.Get(ListC_ID, 5); ListLow_ID = ListC.Get(ListC_ID, 6); ListClose_ID = ListC.Get(ListC_ID, 7); ListVolume_ID = ListC.Get(ListC_ID, 8); // Read the last record (row) of the file MyDate = ListS.Get(ListDate_ID, ListS.Count(ListDate_ID)); MyTime = ListS.Get(ListTime_ID, ListS.Count(ListTime_ID)); MyOpen = StrToNum(ListS.Get(ListOpen_ID, ListS.Count(ListOpen_ID))); MyHigh = StrToNum(ListS.Get(ListHigh_ID, ListS.Count(ListHigh_ID))); MyLow = StrToNum(ListS.Get(ListLow_ID, ListS.Count(ListLow_ID))); MyClose = StrToNum(ListS.Get(ListClose_ID, ListS.Count(ListClose_ID))); MyVolume = StrToNum(ListS.Get(ListVolume_ID, ListS.Count(ListVolume_ID))); // Check Output Print("Rows: ", ListS.Count(ListDate_ID):0:0); Print("Date: ", MyDate); Print("Time: ", MyTime); Print("Open: ", MyOpen:0:2); Print("High: ", MyHigh:0:2); Print("Low: ", MyLow:0:2); Print("Close: ", MyClose:0:2); Print("Volume: ", MyVolume:0:0); Print(""); // Clean the List from memory ListC.Clear(ListC_ID); end;

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