Dukascopy connection- possible?

Questions about MultiCharts and user contributed studies.

Feb 24 2011

Hi all,

I wonder has anyone estblished connection with Dukascopy and was able to receive Market Data on MCDT charts and was able to trade?
I got connection settings from Dukascopy, set them in MCDT and even could load Symbols list from Dukascopy server, the green connection button is on, but unfortunately I don't receive Data to the Chart windows and even if I try to place order nothing happens.
There is "No data" sign on the chart, and QuoteManager Event Log display every 5 sec. <[02/24/2011 17:27:51] FIX44::BusinessMessageReject. Reason: Unsupported Message Type>

I asked for the Help from Support center from both sides, but so far they couldn't help (even with remote desktop)
So my question is for any lucky MCDT user with connection to Dukascopy- do you receive all Data?

Thanks, Dimi.

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Feb 24 2011

I managed to connect regular MC to Dukascopy. But I had problems to get it going. As you know Dukascopy uses two different SSL ports:
(i) 10443 for trading gateway, and
(ii) 9443 for data feed.

You need to register your IP with Dukascopy first.

My problem was: there are two routers (two internet service providers) at my office: one for standard communications ports and the other for non-standard communications ports like SSL.

Being ignorant of this I gave Dukascopy my standard IP for registration (because I did not realize different IP is used in my office for SSL connection). Neither Dukascopy nor MC support could find out why the connection wasn't working, untill my IT guy returned from his holiday and told me the non-standard communications IP.

Maybe you have a similar problem?


Feb 24 2011

Trasor, thanks for reply .
I gave Dukascopy my home IP address and they gave me connection settings. I have 1 router in my home, but then I plugged cable direct to my computer- No change.
The Port connection settings given to me from Dukascopy are slightly (one number) different from yours. I also tried yours Ports, but I couldn't establish connection with server (in my case I have connection, but no incoming or outgoing Data ).

May I ask you to try connect MCDT with Dukascopy and see if everything ok?
I can't try this connection on regular MC, as my MC DEMO time expired.
thank you.

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Feb 24 2011

I gave Dukascopy my home IP address and they gave me connection settings. I have 1 router in my home, but then I plugged cable direct to my computer- No change.
Maybe the ports that are used to communicate with Dukascopy are blocked by you internet service provider? It sometimes happen that high number ports are blocked by ISPs. You would need to check it with your ISP and request unblocking.

The Port connection settings given to me from Dukascopy are slightly (one number) different from yours.
I glimpsed at Dukascopy support forum. Duka support gives these ports as the correct ones + Duka support also tells why sometimes the connection does not work, like fire wall blocking specific ports.
May I ask you to try connect MCDT with Dukascopy and see if everything ok?
That would require from me to give you my secret SSL IP used for sensitive data (for you to register it in Dukascopy), which I am not sure I can offer for security reasons.

However, I have a work-around - when MC beta is released in a week or two (with MC-Duka bugs fixed), I will try Duka demo again (both MC and MCDT) and will let you know the results. Are you okay with this?


Feb 24 2011

May I ask you to try connect MCDT with Dukascopy and see if everything ok?
That would require from me to give you my secret SSL IP used for sensitive data (for you to register it in Dukascopy), which I am not sure I can offer for security reasons.
Tresor, I simply meant - can you try to connect MCDT with Dukascopy from your side with your settings on your PC?
As I search Forum for this issue - I only found your posts, and I really appreciate your help. I'm not sure if I get any more replies.

So I fought that if you can install MCDT on your computer and try to connect it to Dukascopy with the same settings as you successfully connected regular MC version.
And then you can tell is connection OK or you have similar problem as I do. - Then it will be clear for me what is wrong - either my pc, settings, or MCDT itself.

sorry for any inconvenience.

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Feb 24 2011

Tresor, I simply meant - can you try to connect MCDT with Dukascopy from your side with your settings on your PC?
This will not work because my IP is not linked to your demo account on Dukascopy's end. You would need to e-mail Dukascopy, tell them my IP and request that your demo account be linked to my IP.


Feb 24 2011

I understand your point, but from your words I see that you have established connection between MC and your Dukascopy account. My question was - can you repeat the same connection with MCDT ?

(I'm trying to connect my Live Duka account with MCDT.)

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Feb 24 2011

My question was - can you repeat the same connection with MCDT ?
Yes, I can. I will do it in a week or two, when Duka-related bugs are fixed in MC and MCDT. And you will be able to track my report here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7641


Feb 24 2011

)) thanks, I'll track your reports.

But my first question still remains open - does anyone successfully connect Live Dukascopy account with MCDT?


Feb 25 2011

I'm quite surprised, that I don't receive any answer from Live Dukascopy account holder with connection to MC or MCDT.
Even Support probably never had such connection being properly established, because I don't see any positive answer to my question.
I believe Tresor's connection between regular MC and Duka DEMO was ok. But does anyone tried this connection on Live Dukascopy account?

P.S. I started my topic in MultiCharts Discretionary Trader Forum, because I'm mostly interested in trading from MCDT charts. But today I downloaded MC 30 days trial version to check this issue, but the same- connection is established , but No Data to receive or send . I also contacted my ISP, they said they don't block any ports.

So, question remains open and at least, as Tresor wrote , in a week or two bugs will be fixed in new MCDT version and Duka connection issue will be tested and fixed. Hope I see Support feedback in this topic.

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Feb 25 2011

But today I downloaded MC 30 days trial version to check this issue, but the same- connection is established , but No Data
Then it must be the problem on your end or Duka's end. It is not MC's fault.
But does anyone tried this connection on Live Dukascopy account?
To check this connection on live account, a Dukascopy's client needs to deposit $100,000 first at Dukascopy. I don't think any of the current MC or MCDT users put that amount. Please bear in mind there are still bugs in MC-Duka integration.
Hope I see Support feedback in this topic.
MCDT is a non-premium product distributed free of charge. There is no technical support for MCDT. If you get one, you may consider yourself a lucky user.


Feb 25 2011

Then it must be the problem on your end or Duka's end. It is not MC's fault.
You shouldn't say so as you never as you never established connection on Live Duka account, neither I see anyone did .
To check this connection on live account, a Dukascopy's client needs to deposit $100,000 first at Dukascopy.
You can open Dukascopy Live trading account with 1000 USD. And with such account I've been provided connection settings to MCDT.
MCDT is a non-premium product distributed free of charge. There is no technical support for MCDT
MCDT for me is the first step to MC autotrading. But even MC connection to Dukascopy Live account is not established at the moment.

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Feb 25 2011

You can open Dukascopy Live trading account with 1000 USD. And with such account I've been provided connection settings to MCDT.
The current MC-Duka integration uses FIX API. This is only for Duka's clients who deposited not less than $100,000. http://www.dukascopy.com/swiss/english/ ... i_account/

If you deposited less than $100,000 on your live account, you are entitled to only JForex API. JForex API is not supported in MC. This is probably the reason why your MCDT isn't working with Duka.

Your MCDT will work with Duka if you can get FIX API ports, username and password from Dukascopy.


Feb 25 2011

Tresor, you have misunderstanding about my question.
I'm not talking about JForex API. this is not the question about the integration MC with JForex. This is question about direct connection between MC and Duka Server.

You probably are not aware , that Duka retail account holder may ask for connection settings with MC. I wouldn't receive them if it wouldn't be possible. And I wouldn't receive remote desktop support from MC (fought without proper result).
So, please don't make conclusions about something that you don't know.


Feb 25 2011

..sorry, forgot to write my name.

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Feb 25 2011

You probably are not aware , that Duka retail account holder may ask for connection settings with MC.
Are they given:
(i) JForex API connection settings to Duka servers, or
(ii) FIX API connection settings to Duka servers?


Feb 25 2011

Your MCDT will work with Duka if you can get FIX API ports, username and password from Dukascopy.
...again- I've got all necessary connection settings from Dukascopy , and I'm more than sure that they saw my account balance )). Then I contacted back for support and they said that they do anything to check fagain for bugs.

p.s honestly- I don't know what type of settings I've got , but I got Server I.P., Order connection and Price Connection Ports, sender Comp ID and Target CompID

I think we need to hear from MC support - is the preset conection built in MC or MCDT working only with fix Duka API.

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Feb 25 2011

I think we need to hear from MC support
No. You need to contact Duka and get FIX API connection settings.

Your ports are different from mine, therefore you are not using FIX API settings. This is the reason why your MCDT isn't working with Duka.


Feb 25 2011

Your ports are different from mine, therefore you are not using FIX API settings. This is the reason why your MCDT isn't working with Duka.
My ports are different because my account is Live (not DEMO). And I say again - my connection with Duka Server is established, but Market Data is not coming.

I would love to hear from MC Support

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Feb 25 2011

Tresor, you have misunderstanding about my question.
I'm not talking about JForex API. this is not the question about the integration MC with JForex. This is question about direct connection between MC and Duka Server.

You probably are not aware , that Duka retail account holder may ask for connection settings with MC. I wouldn't receive them if it wouldn't be possible. And I wouldn't receive remote desktop support from MC (fought without proper result).
So, please don't make conclusions about something that you don't know.
Tresor might laugh about this...
if there is someone who knows MultiCharts connection to Dukas, it would be Tresor.


Feb 25 2011

Tresor might laugh about this...
if there is someone who knows MultiCharts connection to Dukas, it would be Tresor.
I would prefer to hear laugh from the person with successful Live account connection... ))

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Feb 26 2011

And I say again - my connection with Duka Server is established, but Market Data is not coming.
There are a few possibilities:
(i) MCDT isn't working well and MC is at fault (probably not)
(ii) you were given wrong settings and Duka is at fault
(iii) your ISP is at fault (probably not)
(iv) your computer is at fault, e.g. fire-wall (probably not)
(v) you are at fault, e.g. you may not know how to import the list of symbols and connect them to get the market data coming, you may have selected the wrong fileds to collect, e.g. you specified bid and request MCDT to plot ask or trade, etc.

If you are 100% positive the connection settings are correct, I suggest you focus on the last point now. Try another broker: OEC, IB, MBT. If you can't get data coming from any of these brokers then maybe you need to watch some of the videos on MC website on how to connect data. Operating QM can be pain sometimes at the beginning.


Feb 26 2011

Hi again,
I like that our conversation is goimg in the constructive way )) But...

About all the points:
1. <MC fault> - I don't know, but it's probably "Yes", untill I hear from someone with already established connection.
2. <Duka settings wrong> - I guess, they gave me exactly right settings required for MC connection, but this issue is still open .
3. I contacted <my ISP> - no blocking.
4. a.I use <windows firewall>, I open required ports and MC/MCDT is on my exeption with all necessary permissions , with direct internet cable connection (without router).
b. I installed MC and MCDT on 2 computers - with exact same result.
5.The imported <list of symbols> is correct and the only right (I couldn't import any other symbol list, because there is Not other list).
The market fields to collect - is ask/bid ticks ( but I also tried others). + MC Support guy trough remote desktop tried the same.

And I wouldn't rise this topic if didn't make connection other broker.- I have Live IB account , which I connected with MCDT and even made trades from MCDT charts and DOM.
So, Tresor , I pretty sure what! I'm asking about and beside that I see that MC Support don't post any commentary here.
Conclusion is clear - some MC-Duka settings are wrong.

P.S. I hope it will be fixed in next MC/MCDT update
p.p.s. Tresor, I appreciate your desire to help , but I don't think you can untill you do it for yourself_____

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Mar 10 2011


Did Dukascopy registered your IP address on their servers? If yes, please come to our Live Chat Mon-Fri between 6:30AM and 2PM EST so we can connect to your computer remotely and help you.