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Posted: Mar 22 2010
by TJ
Welcome to CodeTalker World!!

From this site you can download TSĀ® add-ons and enhancements.

Posted: Mar 30 2010
by smashthepound

Posted: Apr 10 2010
by TJ


Posted: Apr 13 2010
by TJ
CodeForTraders (paid indicators)

MultiCharts Code Catalog ... atalog.htm

TS Software Catalog ... atalog.htm

futures magazine

Posted: May 22 2010
by TJ

Active Trader Magazine

Posted: May 22 2010
by TJ
Active Trader Magazine

Trading strategy and system code ... ategy_code

System Code for Trading System Labs

Posted: May 22 2010
by TJ

Posted: Jul 06 2010
by wadams19
TJ, you are the man. Thanks for your contribution!

Posted: Jul 06 2010
by TJ
TJ, you are the man. Thanks for your contribution!
you are welcome !

Re: Collections of EasyLanguage Scripts

Posted: Jan 06 2011
by SeanBannister

My little contribution

Posted: Feb 12 2012
by Laurent
Let's share my stuff ...

If someone has others filters, let me know! :)

- 2-Pole Butterworth Smoothing Filter
- 2-Pole Super Smoothing Filter
- 3-Pole Butterworth Smoothing Filter
- 3-Pole Super Smoothing Filter
- Distance Coefficient Ehlers Filter
- Ehlers Filter
- Fisher Transform Filter
- Gaussian IIR Filter
- Jurik Average Filter
- Kalman Filter
- Laguerre Filter
- Median Filter
- Median-MA Difference Filter
- Optimal Tracking Filter

Filters can be downloaded here:

If someone wants to contribute on my site to have a nice trading kit, let me know! :)
I'm looking for clean code about stops, money management and positions management (how to handle a martingale ... :))

Re: My little contribution - Filters

Posted: Feb 12 2012
by TJ
[Moderator's notes:]

Caution on importing compiled or password protected codes:
(ie indicators with sef extension).

When you import an indicator file, which can consist of an indicator and multiple functions.
If you happened to have functions with the same names (which is quite often the case),
the import process will over write your functions and render them irrevocably "read only".

Indicators compatible with MC

Posted: Jul 01 2012
by Laurent
I have cleaned some directories with a lot of EasyLanguage indicators.
I have tried to compiled them in PLEditor and put the one which worked in an archive.
About 95% should compile :-)

You can download the archive here: ...

All my archives here:


Re: Collections of EasyLanguage Scripts

Posted: Jul 20 2013
by ABC
With our website relaunch, we added a free indicator download section for Multicharts. While it's small at the moment, it will definitely grow over time.

John Ehler indicators

Posted: Apr 11 2014
by faraz

I came across this site

Please check attached John Ehler codes from this site for Multicharts in PL formate.


Re: Collections of EasyLanguage Scripts

Posted: Jul 27 2014
by TJ

Re: John Ehler indicators

Posted: Jun 12 2015
by deltastrike

I came across this site

Please check attached John Ehler codes from this site for Multicharts in PL formate.

Sorry to necro this, but is anyone else getting the error "JohnEhler STOCHASTIC RSI STRATEGY (instrument)": Study is missing Data 2. Please setup your chart data.

What am I missing here?

Re: John Ehler indicators

Posted: Jun 15 2015
by JoshM
Sorry to necro this, but is anyone else getting the error "JohnEhler STOCHASTIC RSI STRATEGY (instrument)": Study is missing Data 2. Please setup your chart data.

What am I missing here?
Judging from the error message you got, it seems you either don't have 2 data series (or more) on the chart.

Or one of the data series does not have the number 2 (when you have multiple data series on the chart, right-click on the chart and select 'Format Instruments' to see their data numbers). This latter can happen when you had multiple data series on the chart but removed one.

Re: Collections of EasyLanguage Scripts

Posted: Dec 17 2016
by Automeq

Re: Collections of EasyLanguage Scripts

Posted: Jun 05 2019
by FinanceStrategy
I'm working hard to code every week. All codes are free.

If you have any good idea, write me and I'll try to code for free. :P