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Posted: Mar 07 2012
by faraz

I want only one entry in one day on intraday bars. I used this below code. But this allow one entry and for further entries don't allow. How I can do this?

Code: Select all

if entrydate(1) = date then oOnePosition= False;

if oOnePosition and condition1 then buy at open;


Re: EntryDate

Posted: Mar 07 2012
by sptrader
I know that Easylanguage has a function called "Tradestoday" which is easy to use for this purpose..
My solution isn't nearly as elegant but I think it will work. (not tested),
It will reset the "Tradeflg to 1 every night, when the date changes, allowing only 1 trade per day..(if it works)

Code: Select all

if date <> date[1] then begin
tradeflg = 1;

if tradeflg = 1 and condition1 then begin
buy next bar at market;
tradeflg = 0;

Re: EntryDate

Posted: Mar 08 2012
by faraz
SpTrader Thank You.

I used this

Code: Select all

TradesToday(Date[0]) < 1
and it worked like a charm.


Re: EntryDate

Posted: Mar 08 2012
by JoshM
I know that Easylanguage has a function called "Tradestoday" which is easy to use for this purpose..
I don't have that function in my MultiCharts (7.4).


Sptrader, if the function isn't protected, can you post the code of it here? :)

Re: EntryDate

Posted: Mar 08 2012
by faraz
I know that Easylanguage has a function called "Tradestoday" which is easy to use for this purpose..
I don't have that function in my MultiCharts (7.4).


Sptrader, if the function isn't protected, can you post the code of it here? :)


Yes, its not added in the list. But MC does have it. Any ways here is the function code if u need it.

Code: Select all

[LegacyColorValue = true];

User Function: TradesToday

Inputs : Target date.
Returns: Number of entries on specified date.
[ ] Auto Detest
[*] Simple
[ ] Series

Sample Usage :
if (TradesToday(Date[0]) >= 2)
then EntryOK = FALSE ;
if (Condition1 and Condition2 and TradesToday(Date[0]) < 2)
then begin
{ ... do something here ... }
end ;

Provided by Product Support Dept.
of Omega Research, Inc.

Inputs: Date0(NumericSimple) ;
Vars : Loop(0), Cnt(0) ;

Cnt = 0 ;
for Loop = 0 to 10 begin
if (EntryDate(Loop) = Date0)
then Cnt = Cnt + 1 ;
end ; { next Loop }

TradesToday = Cnt ;

Re: EntryDate

Posted: Mar 08 2012
by sptrader
I wasn't sure if we could post Omega's code , copyright rules etc. So I didn't.