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Changing symbols in same chart problem

Posted: Mar 09 2012
by candleboy
I have recently been having difficulty, when I want to change the ticker symbol on a chart ,I get the new stock (populated by I.B. data) but there seems to be a memory from the old stock.For example, if I was looking at a stock that trades for $50 & I go to "format Instrument" & change to a stock trading at $10, I get a chart with data for the new stock with last price at $10 and then show a gap to $50 where the previous stock was trading.

Re: Changing symbols in same chart problem

Posted: Mar 13 2012
by Henry MultiŠ”harts
Hello Candleboy,

Do you have multiple instruments on the same subchart?
Is "Merging" feature enabled in Format->Instrument?
Please attach some screenshots demonstrating the issue and the workspace you are using.

Re: Changing symbols in same chart problem

Posted: Mar 13 2012
by candleboy
DuhOOH! Thanks that's all it was