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IB Backfill with 30 seconds chart does not refresh

Posted: May 23 2006
by Guest
Does IB provide History for 30 seconds chart ?

I did a CTRL-R ( reload ) on a 30 seconds chart, it comes back very quickly.
Looking at uptick and downtick information, it seems that it does not refresh from Backfill as i can still see both uptick and downtick volume.

My understanding is that backfill does not differentiate uptick and downtick and does if backfill is successful, i should only see uptick volume.

The symbol i tried is HSIM6.


Posted: May 24 2006
by Alex Kramer
We use the 1-second data from IB for charting the 30 seconds resolution.

As to the volume, there is no separate up/down tick volume data provided, this is why volume is not differentiated.


Posted: May 24 2006
by Guest
So does doing a reload on a 30seconds chart backfill from IB ?

If i reload and i still see uptick and downtick volumes then it means it did not refresh from IB right ?

This is what i am asking.

I tried reloading a 30seconds HSIM6 chart and it does not seem to refresh.
We use the 1-second data from IB for charting the 30 seconds resolution.

As to the volume, there is no separate up/down tick volume data provided, this is why volume is not differentiated.

Posted: May 25 2006
by Alex Kramer
When you're doing a reload, MultiCharts tries to use existing (pre-downloaded data).
If you want to be completely sure that the data is downloaded anew from the server, you'll need to open the symbol in QuoteManger, clear the cache and create the chart again.

Posted: May 26 2006
by Guest
But for 1 min charts, i don't have to do this to force a reload from IB backfill.

Are you saying for intervals not natively supported by IB... eg ticks, seconds and volume charts, i need to clear the cache to force a reload?

When you're doing a reload, MultiCharts tries to use existing (pre-downloaded data).
If you want to be completely sure that the data is downloaded anew from the server, you'll need to open the symbol in QuoteManger, clear the cache and create the chart again.

Posted: May 26 2006
by Alex Kramer
This has nothing to do with resolution. If you have problems with the chart, e.g. gaps, first try simply reloading the chart. It will make MultiCharts try to look up data for possible gaps and fille them up if possible.
If this does not help and there still are gaps, you need to clear ther cache for the symbol and reload, hoping that the data on the server is proper.