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Multi monitor with MC

Posted: Jun 03 2006
by Guest
I have a 4 monitor set up.

Which is more efficient ? open 4 incidence of MC? or one MC that stretches across 4 monitors?


Posted: Jun 04 2006
by Guest
never mind, I have got the answer from another threads.

-- open a different MC for each monitor. This avoids any possible memory leak, video instability, etc.

-- make sure no 2 MC are accessing the same workspace

-- multi-core helps performance

Posted: Jun 05 2006
by Guest
how do we run 2 instances of MC with each running a different workspace ?

install MC into 2 diff directories ?
If so, it will still commit to the same database since database resides in common right ?

Or can we run each MC with a commandline line to specify which workspace to open ?

never mind, I have got the answer from another threads.

-- open a different MC for each monitor. This avoids any possible memory leak, video instability, etc.

-- make sure no 2 MC are accessing the same workspace

-- multi-core helps performance

Posted: Jun 05 2006
by momentum
I run MC on a laptop with two additional screens - total of 3 screens. I open an instance of MC and move it to the screen I want and open the workspace I need. Only issue is there is a sharing violation if you try and open the same workspace in two different instances.Hope this is of some use.

Posted: Jun 05 2006
by Guest
how do we run 2 instances of MC with each running a different workspace ?
at MC, go to "File", select "Preferences"
at the "Workspaces" tab, uncheck "Open Workspaces on Start".

Posted: Jun 05 2006
by Alex Kramer
It is recommended to just launch several instances of MultiCharts by clicking the shortcut severa times. No conflicts with database access, video memory sharing etc. have been reported, but of course, it helps to have a high performance system if on several screens more and more charts are open.

On the other hand, I've seen that some (unluckily, no exact list) multihead graphic adapters (from Matrox AFAIK and from more specialized trading video cards makers) are able to support stretching MultiCharts across monitors well.