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eSignal prolem in MC

Posted: Jun 06 2006
by bunkerbuster
Dear Alex, I meet Andrew in Zurich last week and I showed a problem I have in MC with eSignal.
Pratically eSignal is not present in the "Symbol - Add Symdol - From Data Source" list. Is only present if i want to add a symbol manually.
Andrew try to fix it but said me to contact the support.

Please Help me
Thank you

Posted: Jun 07 2006
by Alex Kramer
Dear Bunker
Please call us at 888-817-6385. We provide support Monday-Friday from 6:30am till 2:00pm ET. We'll use remote desktop connection to research and fix your issue.

Before that please go to, download the HelpDesk program, save it to your desktop and run it when we start the phone conversation. Double-click directly on the “Internet support” inscription.

Posted: Jun 09 2006
by bunkerbuster
Dear Alex, I've sent you 2 PM but never received an answer.
Please I need to connect eSignal data feed to MC becuase i need to starto collect tick data and save it. If you not solve this bug is a problem for me.

My skype name is bunkerbuster73 .

Thank you

Dear Bunker
Please call us at 888-817-6385. We provide support Monday-Friday from 6:30am till 2:00pm ET. We'll use remote desktop connection to research and fix your issue.

Before that please go to, download the HelpDesk program, save it to your desktop and run it when we start the phone conversation. Double-click directly on the “Internet support” inscription.