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Two Logic indicators not working  [SOLVED]

Posted: Jun 07 2006
by Guest

I'm using the free trial version.

Tried the two Logic indicators - LogicErgPrimaryTrend and LogicPrimes - but MC does not open the Format Study window. Why?

Other indicators seem to work ok.


Posted: Jun 08 2006
by Alex Kramer
The Logic series are third-party commercial add-ons that must be paid for separately.
Does a license prompt dialog appear?

Posted: Jun 08 2006
by Guest
Yes, a registration window does appear. However, aren't all those indicators in the Indicator window free-of-charge and those in Add-ons window by subscription only?

Also, if I purchase MCs will I have access to the two Logic indicators in the Indicator window?

Posted: Jun 08 2006
by Alex Kramer
What is the version of MultiCharts that you're using? (see Help->About)

Did you import any indicator files and compile them in PowerLanguage Editor?

All the Logic series are add-ons and are located in the Add-on tab, there should be no LogicErg or LogicPrimes in the Indicator tab.

Posted: Jun 08 2006
by Guest
I downloaded the free trial only a few days ago. Version 1.90.468.865

Here's a screenshot of the Indicators in the first window.

Posted: Jun 08 2006
by Guest
...sorry the file is not attaching. i will email it to support now.

btw, if Logic indicators are all subscription-based, can you please disclose the fee?


Posted: Jun 08 2006
by Alex Kramer
Please have a look at the Add-ons page at

Posted: Jun 08 2006
by Guest

Ok, I've read the link. Does MC offer the Ergodic indicator free? If not, how does one design it on MC?


Posted: Jun 08 2006
by Alex Kramer
The Ergotic indicators are available as third-party add-ons; however, it is possible to import an indicator written in TS Easy Language to MultiCharts. If a free .eld/.els or source code is available, it can be imported.