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Aligning cursors

Posted: Jun 08 2006
by Guest
Can MC align cursors on multiple charts based on GMT ?

As of now, the cursors are not align if i try to plot 2 instruments traded in different timezones even though they are active concurrently.

E.g Nikkei in Japan and Nikkei in SGX.
You cannot plot these 2 symbols on the same chart and have them align.

If you plot them on separate chart windows, the cursor do not align too.

thank you

Posted: Jun 08 2006
by Alex Kramer
Well, aligingin the cursor on charts from different time zones is not supported.

One thing I can suggest, you can go to exchange settings in QuoteManager and try setting identical time zones for those two exchanges.
Naturaly, as the real trading hours of exchanges do not fully overlap, this will cause part of the data to be lost.

Posted: Jun 08 2006
by Guest
Since your suggestions do not offer a viable workaround.

Would MC support this in future ?

I recall, in an earlier thread sometime back, you mentioned that you guys would consider aligning all charts to GMT.


Well, aligingin the cursor on charts from different time zones is not supported.

One thing I can suggest, you can go to exchange settings in QuoteManager and try setting identical time zones for those two exchanges.
Naturaly, as the real trading hours of exchanges do not fully overlap, this will cause part of the data to be lost.

Posted: Jun 08 2006
by Alex Kramer
There is no workaround in real time, viable or not - exchanges close and open at different time in different timezones.


Posted: Jun 08 2006
by Guest
Exactly, since there is no workaround currently that's why i asked if MC will implement this feature in future.

When NK is trading a 9 am at Osaka ( Japan Time ) it corresponds to
SGXNK traded at 8am at Singapore ( singapore time ).

It would also help if we can align some european contracts with their Us counterparts. Eg DAX with ES.

What's so difficult about having some logic to align them ?

There is no workaround in real time, viable or not - exchanges close and open at different time in different timezones.

Posted: Jun 09 2006
by Alex Kramer
We are open to ideas, if there is a method for matching exchanges locating in different time zones, we'd be glad to see and try it out.

Posted: Jun 10 2006
by Guest
I think ensign can do this without any problems.
We are open to ideas, if there is a method for matching exchanges locating in different time zones, we'd be glad to see and try it out.

Posted: Jun 10 2006
by Guest
hmm.... i tot the solution is quite simple.

Using the previous guest's example about NK on Osaka and NK on SGX.

Say time now

9 am Osaka ( GMT+9 ) = 8 am SG ( GMT+ 8 )

if you translate both to GMT then isn't it
0 at GMT = 0 at GMT.

We are open to ideas, if there is a method for matching exchanges locating in different time zones, we'd be glad to see and try it out.