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Compiled study- Not registered as compiled VS 2012

Posted: Nov 21 2012
by JosephIM
Hey I cant seem to figure out what my test strategy is wanting ot call compiled( perhaps I need to move the dll to a different working path )
I dont believe this to be the case as the test study I created does show up in MC.

When I try to add the study a MessageBox is shown that sayd its needs to be compiled? I certainly compiled in VS... Thinking it was a VS issue I open up PL editor and try "Compile" from there i dont get any indication it compiled or did not, other than the fact m test remains disabled with the red bang on it.

So how do I get MC to see a study as compiled(Yes I did make sure my project was set to .NET 3.5 in VS)???

Re: Compiled study- Not registered as compiled VS 2012

Posted: Nov 21 2012
by Henry MultiŠ”harts
Hello JosephIM,

Is Error list enabled in View tab of PowerLanguage .Net Editor?
Do you have any errors in it when you try to compile the study?

Re: Compiled study- Not registered as compiled VS 2012

Posted: Nov 21 2012
by JosephIM
Errors tab has 0 errors, output window is blank. The footer is telling me build succeeded.

Re: Compiled study- Not registered as compiled VS 2012

Posted: Nov 22 2012
by Dru
Errors tab has 0 errors, output window is blank. The footer is telling me build succeeded.
First check the name of your class that inherits SignalObject for consistency with name of code file. Example: if my class name is "_Historical_Entry" then file name is "_Historical_Entry.Strategy.cs"

Re: Compiled study- Not registered as compiled VS 2012

Posted: Nov 22 2012
by JosephIM
It looks like I have to use the "PowerLanguage.Indicator" namespace for the indicator to be seen as compiled. This just didn't seem like this was going to be the case since I was ale to see the type.