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same position exit twice in intrabar mode?

Posted: Dec 03 2012
by yoyo2000
Hi,I met a wired problem when pyramid-out position,but i have no idea about why it happen?

my purpose :
pyramiding-out position in two steps,that's:
1) exit 30% of a position;
2) then exit all the rest of the position.
for example,if a position's size is 80,the exits sequency would be exiting 24 of 80 contracts,then exiting 56 of 80 contracts.

the results:
1) When PyramidMode = 0 or 1 or 2,everything is ok,whether IOG is enable or not;
2) When PyramidMode = 3, intra-bar order regeneration(IOG) is disable,everything is ok;
3) When PyramidMode = 3, IOG = enable, it exits 30% of the position twice,why?from the snapshot in attachment,only first signal in bar could send the order.

the codes are below

Code: Select all

inputs: PyramidMode(0), //which mode to pyramid: 0 - no pyramid in and out, 1 - pyramid in, 2 - pyramid out, 3 - pyramid in and out
PyramidOutPct(0.3); //first pyramid out's percent

var: mp(0), basesize(74), PMode(0), modtest(0), pyramidsize(0), PyramidOutSize(0), totalSize(0);

if LastBarOnChart then begin
mp = marketposition;
modtest = mod(barnumber, 10);
pyramidsize = IntPortion( BaseSize/2 );

if time > 0900 and time < 1459 then begin // in trading time
//if mp > 0 then begin
if (PyramidMode=1 or PyramidMode=3) and modtest=3 then begin
buy ("LEP 1") pyramidsize contracts next bar at market;
totalSize = totalSize + pyramidsize;

if (PyramidMode=2 or PyramidMode=3) and modtest=5 then begin
PyramidOutSize = IntPortion( totalsize*PyramidOutPct );
sell ("LXP 1") PyramidOutSize contracts total next bar at market;
totalSize = totalSize - PyramidOutSize;

if modtest=7 then begin
sell ("LXP 1-2") next bar at market;
totalSize = 0;
//else if mp = 0 then begin
if modtest=1 then begin //spread in's condition trigged
buy ("LE 1") BaseSize contracts next bar at market;
totalSize = BaseSize;
else if time >= 1459 then begin
sell ("EOD LX 1") next bar at market;
buytocover ("EOD SX 1") next bar at market;

Re: same position exit twice in intrabar mode?

Posted: Dec 03 2012
by Henry MultiСharts
Hello yoyo2000,

We will check this behavior. Please let me know what your chart resolution is.

Re: same position exit twice in intrabar mode?

Posted: Dec 03 2012
by yoyo2000
my snapshot's chart resolution is 30 seconds,but it exists on 3 seconds and 15 seconds charts,too.

PS: found new case
IOG = enable,
PyramidMode = 3,
chart data = history data playback,
everything is ok,

IOG = enable,
PyramidMode = 3,
chart data = realtime data,
same exit runs twice in the same position

Re: same position exit twice in intrabar mode?

Posted: Dec 04 2012

Can you change variables to "IntrabarPersist" and see if it makes any difference.

Re: same position exit twice in intrabar mode?

Posted: Dec 04 2012
by Henry MultiСharts
Hello yoyo2000,
PS: found new case
IOG = enable,
PyramidMode = 3,
chart data = history data playback,
everything is ok,
It looks like you are using playback As Is mode. That is why the behavior of playback is different from realtime calculation. In order to have similar results you need to use tick by tick or second by second playback mode.
When PyramidMode = 3, IOG = enable, it exits 30% of the position twice,why?
In As Is playback mode there is one signal calculation. In tick by tick or second by second playback mode there are multiple signal calculations that is why the order is placed twice.

In order to have only two exits in PyramidMode = 3 in realtime and tick by tick or second by second playback please change your code to the following:

Code: Select all

if (PyramidMode=2 or PyramidMode=3) and modtest=5 then begin
PyramidOutSize = IntPortion( totalsize*PyramidOutPct );

if (PyramidMode<>3) or (currentshares>basesize+PyramidOutSize) then
sell ("LXP 1") PyramidOutSize contracts total next bar at market;

totalSize = totalSize - PyramidOutSize;

Re: same position exit twice in intrabar mode?

Posted: Dec 05 2012
by yoyo2000
thanks,it works.

but here is another problem in IOG mode.

when spread trading backtesting,with IOG setting = enable,and the entry rules are:
1) if spread cross above -7.5 then buy 10 contracts
2) if spread cross under -14.5 then sellshort 10 contracts

each bar would be calculated four times,the results are:
barnumber: 9.00 spread: 7.21 totalsize: 0.00 SX: 0.50 LX: -22.50
barnumber: 9.00 spread: 9.54 totalsize: 0.00 SX: 0.50 LX: -22.50
barnumber: 9.00 spread: -4.44 totalsize: 0.00 SX: 0.50 LX: -22.50
barnumber: 9.00 spread: -2.11 totalsize: 0.00 SX: 0.50 LX: -22.50
barnumber: 10.00 spread: -3.64 totalsize: 0.00 SX: 0.50 LX: -22.50
barnumber: 10.00 spread: -1.31 totalsize: 0.00 SX: 0.50 LX: -22.50
barnumber: 10.00 spread: -15.30 totalsize: -10.00 SX: 0.50 LX: -22.50
barnumber: 10.00 spread: -10.63 totalsize: 0.00 SX: 0.50 LX: -22.50
barnumber: 11.00 spread: -9.37 totalsize: 0.00 SX: 0.50 LX: -22.50
barnumber: 11.00 spread: -9.37 totalsize: 0.00 SX: 0.50 LX: -22.50
barnumber: 11.00 spread: -4.70 totalsize: 10.00 SX: 0.50 LX: -22.50
barnumber: 11.00 spread: -4.70 totalsize: 10.00 SX: 0.50 LX: -22.50
barnumber: 12.00 spread: -5.10 totalsize: 10.00 SX: 0.50 LX: -22.50
barnumber: 12.00 spread: -7.43 totalsize: 10.00 SX: 0.50 LX: -22.50
barnumber: 12.00 spread: 6.55 totalsize: 10.00 SX: 0.50 LX: -22.50
barnumber: 12.00 spread: 1.89 totalsize: 10.00 SX: 0.50 LX: -22.50
barnumber: 13.00 spread: 3.09 totalsize: 10.00 SX: 0.50 LX: -22.50

the problem is,at the 10th bar,1 of 4 calculated results is lower than -14.5,and its previous result is higher than -14.5,so a short position is established,however,next result in the same bar is higher than -14.5,the position disappears.

the relating snapshot is in attachment.

when running the strategy in realtime mode,this trade would be trigged at the 10th bar brfore it finish and the trade arrow would be on the chart,but when the 10th bar finishs,the condition of sellshort wouldn't be fit.
how to avoid this problem?

best regards.

Re: same position exit twice in intrabar mode?

Posted: Dec 05 2012
by Henry MultiСharts
Please send me the following information for further investigation ( ):
- workspace you are using
- in QuoteManager select the symbols you are using, make a right click on them->Export data->Export instrument. Send me the Qmd export file for analysis.
- in Power Language editor->File->Export->Export with dependent functions the studies you are using the workspaces you are providing. send me the study export file
- attach detailed problem description and highlight the problem on full-sized screenshots
- what version and build numbe of MultiCharts are you using (Help -> About MultiCharts) ?

Re: same position exit twice in intrabar mode?

Posted: Dec 06 2012
by yoyo2000
a detailed mail has been sent,please check.


Re: same position exit twice in intrabar mode?

Posted: Dec 19 2012
by Henry MultiСharts
This case has been checked. Confirmed that MultiCharts is functioning properly.