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Price increment setup

Posted: Dec 15 2012
by manualtrader
Hello MC,

When I open ES chart and move the cross on the chart, the price reading shows: 1406.13, 1406.58, 1406.79, and so on. How to setup for the price increment to be only shown as 1406.25, 1406.50, 1406.75? No one want to see price like 1406.13 on the ES chart when move the cross.


Re: Price increment setup

Posted: Dec 16 2012
by arnie
That is so true.

The Cross but also the Trend Line should be able to detect the symbol settings and act accordingly. Like manualtrader said, when ES quotes in quarters of a point why are we seeing the Cross quoting at 1406.03? The same thing for Trend Lines. MC shouldn't allow us to plot a line at 1406.28 on ES. We can only trade the 1406.25 or 1406.50, why are we plotting at 1406.28? We are always forced to edit the Trend Line and set the prices manually which is always a pain.

The same thing must be said regarding the chart price scale labels.
Why are all charts set to a 0.01 scale? This too should be able to detect the symbol settings and act accordingly.
If ES quotes at 0.25 then the chart scale would be 0.25. We would not need to continuously go to the chart settings and always set the labels for the scale manually.

Re: Price increment setup

Posted: Dec 17 2012
by Andrew MultiCharts
Please vote for the respective feature request.

Re: Price increment setup

Posted: Oct 26 2016
by Rick Webber
Voting link not working. I am fighting this right now. Has this been resolved this many years later?

Re: Price increment setup

Posted: Oct 27 2016
by Alex MultiCharts
Hello Rick Webber,

Sorry for that, we have corrected the link in the previous post.