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Precision displayed not the same for two Instrument indicato

Posted: Dec 21 2012
by arjfca
A workspace display 2 Instrument: Eur.Usd // Gbp.Usd

Both charts use the same Indicators
Both instruments set to 5 digit precision
Both indicator set to use Instrument scale

Precision displayed is not the same for each. I remember that I had this problem before. but can't resolve it now.

What could cause that?

Happy Holiday // Happy New Year to all MC team & Forum users

Martin :)

Re: Precision displayed not the same for two Instrument indi

Posted: Dec 21 2012
by Andrew MultiCharts
Hello arjfca,

Please make screenshots of both indicators' settings (right-click on the chart -> Format Indicators... -> select your indicator -> Format -> Scaling).

Re: Precision displayed not the same for two Instrument indi

Posted: Dec 21 2012
by arjfca

I did recompiled the indicator and the problem as been resolved
As mentioned, both indicators had the same setting.

When will MC add the option to set "Hide" to an indicator setup from the code. I need to set all 8 workspaces every time I recompile an indicator that is used by them. I did post the request on MC project manager

Best wish's to you and all MC team.

Martin :)

Re: Precision displayed not the same for two Instrument indi

Posted: Dec 21 2012
by Andrew MultiCharts
We have no plans for implementation the feature in nearest future. Once it something changes, the feature request in PM will receive the respective status.

If the issue take place again, please send screenshots of the mentioned tab of both indicators.

Re: Precision displayed not the same for two Instrument indi

Posted: Dec 21 2012
by Andrew MultiCharts
Arjfca, could you describe a scenario how can this be used in practice?

Re: Precision displayed not the same for two Instrument indi

Posted: Dec 21 2012
by arjfca
Arjfca, could you describe a scenario how can this be used in practice?

This function should not be to difficult to implement. All the code is within MC. It could be set like the [Intrabarordergenetrator] option, at the beginning of an indicator code.

At the start of the code

Code: Select all

[Hide] // This option would Set "Hide" the indicator to a hidden mode ( no display)



Actually, we need to set the indicator to Hide when only info in the datawindow is use. Whenever the code is recompile, the format is reset to a default value to display an indicator.

Look at the picture attached. An hide, non hide effect. II'm using the same indicator over 8 worspace 8 two instruments ( 16) . Whenever I modify it, I need to reset all display format to Hide for each of them.


Re: Precision displayed not the same for two Instrument indi

Posted: Jan 10 2013
by Andrew MultiCharts
I see your point. Thank you for your suggestion, i forwarded it to our developers. I also recommend you to leave respective feature request.

Re: Precision displayed not the same for two Instrument indi

Posted: Jan 10 2013
by arjfca
I see your point. Thank you for your suggestion, i forwarded it to our developers. I also recommend you to leave respective feature request.
I post the request...

I don't know why, but your Project Management site is very very slow. More than 3 minutes to loadup the page

Martin :)