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Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Feb 01 2013
by hilbert
Many of MC users have unreliable internet connection and as a result when internet connects back, the charts have gaps. I have around 50 charts open and its extremely troublesome to go and reload data in all of those charts manually. My request is that MC should automatically download data for the missing time period upon re-connection to internet. Please see the link. ... _no=MC-504

This feature request has been pending in the project management for a long time and it has got 30 votes for it. I have no idea why this feature has not been implemented yet. I am creating this thread here so that users who are frustrated by the lack of this feature can express the inconvenience it causes them. MC team - please please get this feature out in the next beta version.

Thank You.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Feb 12 2013
by hilbert
MC Team,

Please allow me to bring it to your attention again. Kindly implement this feature in the upcoming release. With 50 charts open, it is extremely hard to work without this feature, whenever a disconnect happens. 30 users have already voted for this feature. Kindly implement at priority in the upcoming release.

Many Thanks,

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Feb 12 2013
by JoshM
Please allow me to bring it to your attention again. Kindly implement this feature in the upcoming release. With 50 charts open, it is extremely hard to work without this feature, whenever a disconnect happens. 30 users have already voted for this feature. Kindly implement at priority in the upcoming release.
I completely agree with this, especially with the coming portfolio trading functionality in MC 9.0, since the whole goal of portfolio trading is to make trading multiple instruments easier.

This doesn't has to be very complex - why not let us execute this ourselves programmatically? If the MultiCharts team makes a keyword such as Reload (like Recalculate) we can determine ourselves (by monitoring the last trade time and using RecalcLastBarAfter()) whether or not we need to reload the data for that specific symbol.

Actually, this way it can be implemented easy: "just" bind the shortcut Ctrl - R (reload chart) with the new PowerLanguage keyword Reload, so that once Reload is called, the chart is reloaded.

That can't be too resource demanding (in terms of MultiCharts programming hours) since the reload functionality is already there in MultiCharts - we just need a way to call this programmatically from our script.

Now that discretionary traders have gotten their "toys" with volume foot print/delta, some attention to the needs of algorithmic traders seems warranted. And this is probably a "toy" most of us wish for. :)

MultiCharts .NET
Such a Reload keyword would be even more handy for MultiCharts .NET, since with MC .NET we can already monitor the Logs tab of the OPT for disconnects/reconnects with the broker. In that case, as soon as a reconnect event is noticed (which would also be indicative of a restored internet connection), the Reload function can be called to reload the data series and fill in the missing data. And then automated trading can recommence without big gaps that would lead to erroneous/faulty orders being triggered.

Of course, I don't want to downplay the technical complexities of such a Reload function, but this certainly is doable and might not at all take that much effort from MultiCharts' part.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Feb 12 2013
by hilbert
Please allow me to bring it to your attention again. Kindly implement this feature in the upcoming release. With 50 charts open, it is extremely hard to work without this feature, whenever a disconnect happens. 30 users have already voted for this feature. Kindly implement at priority in the upcoming release.
I completely agree with this, especially with the coming portfolio trading functionality in MC 9.0, since the whole goal of portfolio trading is to make trading multiple instruments easier.

This doesn't has to be very complex - why not let us execute this ourselves programmatically? If the MultiCharts team makes a keyword such as Reload (like Recalculate) we can determine ourselves (by monitoring the last trade time and using RecalcLastBarAfter()) whether or not we need to reload the data for that specific symbol.

Actually, this way it can be implemented easy: "just" bind the shortcut Ctrl - R (reload chart) with the new PowerLanguage keyword Reload, so that once Reload is called, the chart is reloaded.

That can't be too resource demanding (in terms of MultiCharts programming hours) since the reload functionality is already there in MultiCharts - we just need a way to call this programmatically from our script.

Now that discretionary traders have gotten their "toys" with volume foot print/delta, some attention to the needs of algorithmic traders seems warranted. And this is probably a "toy" most of us wish for. :)
Josh - Great suggestion. If MC team adopts this approach, my only wish is "Reload" keyword does not reload all the data from beginning. Rather it should just re-load 1 day data.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Feb 12 2013
by JoshM
Josh - Great suggestion. If MC team adopts this approach, my only wish is "Reload" keyword does not reload all the data from beginning. Rather it should just re-load 1 day data.
That's a good idea Hilbert.

Then we need something like:


Code: Select all

Reload( x );
  • x = number of bars to reload.
And this number of bars can then be a fixed value or something we calculate ourselves in the script.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Feb 12 2013
by arnie
It has been brought to my attention that an automatic chart reload is not that trivial to develop as it seems. Although for discretionary traders the option don't create any visible problem for algorithmic ones things are a bit tricky when dealing with automatic strategies.

Who want a chart to reload automatically in the middle of a session while an automatic strategy is on? How would the strategy react to a total data/strategy reload? If positions are being held when data flow is interrupted and you end up closing the position via broker platform, how will the automatic strategy react by the time data flow is reestablished and the missing data is being downloaded/reloaded?

For those that have automatic strategies, how do you want this to be resolved?
Are your automatic strategies ready to deal with a full recalculation of positions when the data is reloaded?

I believe as soon you answer this type of questions the sooner this option will be available.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Feb 13 2013
It has been brought to my attention that an automatic chart reload is not that trivial to develop as it seems. Although for discretionary traders the option don't create any visible problem for algorithmic ones things are a bit tricky when dealing with automatic strategies.

Who want a chart to reload automatically in the middle of a session while an automatic strategy is on? How would the strategy react to a total data/strategy reload? If positions are being held when data flow is interrupted and you end up closing the position via broker platform, how will the automatic strategy react by the time data flow is reestablished and the missing data is being downloaded/reloaded?

For those that have automatic strategies, how do you want this to be resolved?
Are your automatic strategies ready to deal with a full recalculation of positions when the data is reloaded?

I believe as soon you answer this type of questions the sooner this option will be available.
Thanks arnie, you have highlighted very important points and unless there is some kind of option available to recalculate or not to recalculate, it would simply not work for autotraders.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Feb 13 2013
by JoshM
It has been brought to my attention that an automatic chart reload is not that trivial to develop as it seems
That's true Arnie. But that shouldn't be a reason to not develop this? I can recall that you were very proactive on the forum in helping MultiCharts with the discretionary volume tools (which was quite impressive, btw). So those features apparently weren't trivial to develop either, and they also got done.

Of course, I don't want to downplay the technical complexities (even though it might sound like I was trying to do that). But that can not be a reason not to implement this. Especially given the 30 votes in the PM, which is relatively speaking quite a lot. If I were the only one who would like to see such a feature, okay, then it wouldn't be rational to spend resources on this.

But those 30 votes are only 2 less than the MD, 13 more than the download historical bid/ask data from IQFeed, and 27 votes more than the Footprint chart feature request. I can't imagine that these features were much easier.
Who want a chart to reload automatically in the middle of a session while an automatic strategy is on?
True, it's certainly not a great situation. But the alternative, when the internet connection is restored the new real-time data creates a (potentially huge) data gap, is much worse in my opinion.
How would the strategy react to a total data/strategy reload? If positions are being held when data flow is interrupted and you end up closing the position via broker platform, how will the automatic strategy react by the time data flow is reestablished and the missing data is being downloaded/reloaded?
True, good points. But this can be already done by using the MarketPosition_At_Broker keyword to see whether or not there is an open position at the broker.

Plus the BuyToCover and Sell keywords can only close an existing position and not open a reserve position. So, in the case that the trader closes his position manually through the broker, it won't matter if BuyToCover and Sell keywords are triggered. And yes, the SellShort and Buy keywords can open a new position, but I would be surprised if automatic traders haven't preceded these with a "if (MarketPosition(0) = 0) then.." check. So in that case, using MarketPosition_at_broker will prevent new buy/short orders from being submitted.

Btw, if I open a manual position with the Chart Trader in MultiCharts (8.0 Release, broker MB Trading), and add a stop-loss order, and then reload the chart, the position with the stop-loss attached to it is remembered correctly. Apparently, it's already possible to reload the chart without losing that information.
For those that have automatic strategies, how do you want this to be resolved?
I'll probably forget some steps, but something like:

When there is no open position...
  • An automated strategy is enabled,
  • The internet connection is lost (already tracked in OPT Logs tab and QuoteManager),
  • *waiting for re-establishing of internet connection*
  • When internet is reconnected, reload the chart,
  • Recalculate the indicators and strategy,
  • Keep the strategy on and submit any new trades that are generated from now on.
When there is an open position...
  • An automated strategy is enabled,
  • The internet connection is lost (already tracked in OPT Logs tab and QuoteManager),
  • *waiting for re-establishing of internet connection*
  • When internet is reconnected, reload the chart,
  • Recalculate the indicators and strategy (and keep the strategy on),
  • Now look at the market position at broker: if the broker position is flat, operate as if there is no open position (see above),
  • If there is an open position at the broker, execute if needed the stop-loss orders that were tracked by MultiCharts itself (these are apparently already remembered, see my point above). (Also note that the stop-loss orders that are kept at the broker's server are perhaps already triggered, causing the position to be closed. In that case, see the previous bullet point),
  • If there is an open position at the broker, assign these to the market position of the strategy (i.e., MarketPosition_At_Broker --> MarketPosition(0)) so that the strategy can manage the open position and submit the needed stop-loss and profit target orders for it (Note that this is already possible. Actually, I've already programmed this in PowerLanguage).
Probably not complete, so additions are welcomed. :)
Are your automatic strategies ready to deal with a full recalculation of positions when the data is reloaded?
I'm not sure what things of the position needs to be recalculated, since the position data can be pulled from the broker (MarketPosition_at_broker, AvgEntryPrice_At_Broker) when the internet connection is restored.
I believe as soon you answer this type of questions the sooner this option will be available.
I think it would also help if MultiCharts join in this conversation and tell us how they see this feature request. Perhaps we can then come up with a solution that is both easy to implement for MultiCharts and something that is useful to automatic traders (like I tried to do with the Reload-keyword idea).

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Feb 13 2013
by Zoli

Does anyone use a backup internet connection?
If yes, does MC reconnect when the other connection takes over (it will have a different IP)?
On my end MC does not see the active connection unless I restart it.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Feb 13 2013
by TJ

Does anyone use a backup internet connection?
If yes, does MC reconnect when the other connection takes over (it will have a different IP)?
On my end MC does not see the active connection unless I restart it.
If you set it up properly with the proper router, the fall over is transparent.
There are lots of articles on the web teaching you how to do it.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Feb 13 2013
by arnie
But that shouldn't be a reason to not develop this
I hope I have not given the idea that due to its complexities things should not be developed. Far from it.

I just pointed out that what looked to be a very straight forward thing to be added (in my view as a discretionary trader) is in fact a bit tricky due to the permutations of automatic strategies.
I'm not sure what things of the position needs to be recalculated, since the position data can be pulled from the broker (MarketPosition_at_broker, AvgEntryPrice_At_Broker) when the internet connection is restored.
I couldn't be the worst person to advise others in terms of auto strategies but based on the little things I know imagine that at the precise time you have a data reload the strategy triggers a trade. Now, how will the strategy react after the reload if the missing bars end up not generating a trade? Prior the reload the strategy triggered a trade, which was sent to the broker and executed but after the reload the strategy does not show any trade to be triggered but it does receive from the broker the indication of an open position.
How will a strategy react to this?
One thing is the broker sending the indication that a position is open and that indication is in tandem to what the strategy rules says. Another thing is the strategy receiving an open position indication which does not apply to any of its rules. I think. Like I said, I'm not the best person to talk about algo's so If I said something that make no sense I apologize.

Hey, I'm one of those that left a comment on this feature request. This feature is a "must have" for me too but I prefer something that suits both parties, discretionary and algo's. This has been one of MC's strengths, create features that allow both parties to use them.
As more I think about this feature I really think it's impossible to make this completely automatic. It will need some kind of manual authorization from the user.

I always like the idea of having a popup window indicating that internet connect was lost and due to that fact, data is not being received. When internet connection is available, another popup window would come out, indicating that internet connection is once again available and maybe we could have here the option to download the missing data, in this case, today's session. In this case the user would have the control over the data knowing before hand how that might impact his strategy.

I'm sure your step list will be helpful to developers.
Who knows, maybe we'll see this in version 9.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Feb 13 2013
by Zoli
If you set it up properly with the proper router, the fall over is transparent.
There are lots of articles on the web teaching you how to do it.
Hi TJ,

The backup I am talking about is a mobile connection using a USB modem. I am not aware of any dual wan router that would accept a USB modem. Even if it would exist I am not sure MC would remain connected as load balancing would still need to shift to the other IP that is active.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Feb 13 2013
by TJ
If you set it up properly with the proper router, the fall over is transparent.
There are lots of articles on the web teaching you how to do it.
Hi TJ,

The backup I am talking about is a mobile connection using a USB modem. I am not aware of any dual wan router that would accept a USB modem. Even if it would exist I am not sure MC would remain connected as load balancing would still need to shift to the other IP that is active.
If you set it up properly with the proper router, the fall over is transparent.
There are lots of articles on the web teaching you how to do it.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Feb 14 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Dear users,

This feature request is already being analyzed by our engineers. We are conducting the required testing and considering possible improvements. All of the suggestions and ideas posted in this thread would be forwarded to our development team.

Here is how the current implementation works (valid for Multicharts 8.8 Release 4 builds 9188/9189/ .NET builds 9190/9191):
  • On tick based charts the gaps are backfilled at once after the connection is restored.
  • On minute based charts the gaps are not backfilled at once. The gaps are backfilled on a next historical data request (copy/paste chart, close/open workspace).
“Backfilled at once” means that after physical connection recovery:
  1. Reconnection event is determined (corresponding message appears in QuoteManager Event Log);
  2. Missing data is requested from the data vendor;
  3. Missing bars appear on the chart;
  4. Realtime bars appear after backfilled bars;
  5. The studies are not recalculated, they are calculated regular way on the backfilled bars;
  6. The orders are generated and if the auto trading is enabled they are sent to broker.
Backfilling Availability.
Data vendors list (realtime only/historical only data vendors are not listed):
  • AvaTrade - Available
  • BarChart - Available
  • CQG - Available
  • MCFX - Available
  • eSignal - Available
  • IQFeed - Available
  • Interactive Brokers – Available
  • IWBank – Not Available *
  • LMAX – Not Available *
  • MB Trading - Available
  • OEC - Available
  • Quik - Available
  • TS - Not Available *
  • WeBank - Not Available *
  • Rithmic - Available
*Not Available means that the data vendor provides historical data but does not provide ability to determine connection loss/reconnection event through its API. Such data vendors are being contacted for clarifications.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Apr 02 2013
by HPF

I'd like to second the feature request. In addition to your proposal, can you also give us C# access in to the menu function

View -> Reload -> Reload x bars/days back

for the current chart in any indicator? Then we _can_ use it if we understand the implications.



Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Apr 04 2013
by hilbert
Dear Henry/Andrew,

Status in the Project Management for this feature request has been changed from "Under Review" to "Reviewed". But it still does not show "Confirmed". What does this mean? Are we going to see this feature in version 9? You know how many users are hoping to see this feature in version 9.

Many Thanks,

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Apr 10 2013
by hilbert
Dear Henry/Andrew,

Status in the Project Management for this feature request has been changed from "Under Review" to "Reviewed". But it still does not show "Confirmed". What does this mean? Are we going to see this feature in version 9? You know how many users are hoping to see this feature in version 9.

Many Thanks,
MC Team members, please give us an update. Is this feature coming in version 9? Thanks.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Apr 10 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
This feature request is not yet scheduled to any particular version of MultiCharts.
With most data providers the data is backfilled automatically on tick based charts. See post #14.

HPF, hilbert, which data providers do you use? What is the resolution of the charts with gaps? How exactly gaps appear on your charts?

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Apr 10 2013
by hilbert
This feature request is not yet scheduled to any particular version of MultiCharts.
With most data providers the data is backfilled automatically on tick based charts. See post #14.

HPF, hilbert, which data providers do you use? What is the resolution of the charts with gaps? How exactly gaps appear on your charts?

I am with IB. I have more than 40-50 charts open at any time. Generally, 1min to 1hr resolution. It is a huge problem to reload data in all these charts. After a disconnect, it takes at least 10 minutes to go through all these charts and reload data for last 1 day. Sometimes if I am not at the desk and the disconnect happens, I don't even notice that a disconnect has happened and all my strategies and indicators are off. I might notice a disconnect has happened after few hours or maybe after few days. It is a big problem for me and I suspect for many people with not great internet connections. Please understand our situation and kindly push the programmers to implement this feature a.s.a.p. 32 votes speak for the importance of feature.

Thank You,

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Apr 10 2013
by HPF
I use eSignal, futures and forex, with minute bars.

If I understand the situation correctly, they don't have any protocol in order to verify data integrity which is a design flaw IMO. But I definitely would like to be able to trigger a "reload n bars of historical data" whenever some minute bars go missing. Am I right that "reload n bars" always sends a request to the data provider as opposed to just taking the data from the database inside QuoteManager?

If I lose the connection for less than 2 minutes, I know I might have up to 2 false minute bars in my time series without being able to detect this. If there is a solution to this problem as well, even better.

I don't think the key problem is eSignal and whether they might drop some ticks, but we wouldn't notice. My concern is mainly temporary glitches in our local network. I would love to automate our repsonse.

Thanks for your help,


Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Apr 10 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
HPF, hilbert, we are going to address the backfilling issues with the mentioned data providers in one of the future versions of MultiCharts. Due to complexity of the task I cannot give you any ETA at the moment, but roughly that should be ready in MC 9.0

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Apr 11 2013
by HPF
But perhaps you can give us C# access (in the .NET version) to the "reload n bars" function for any given chart? That seems not to involve any serious programming on your side, and it would allow us to implement an economic workaround (economic = my time spent implementing this new functionality is a lot less than the time we keep losing because of dropped connections).

I don't use any automatic trading, and so I could just automatically reload 100 minute bars of data once per hour and "fix" most of the problem this way. Sure, this is not elegant and it doesn't really solve the issue about integrity of the received tick data, but it would already be a lot better than what we have today.

Thanks for your help,


Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Apr 11 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Dear users,

We have decided to expand MultiCharts by adding full access to command line functionality from the code. That includes not only reloading of data, but other command line features as well, such as changing chart symbol and resolution, etc. The feature is targeted to MultiCharts 8.7.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Apr 11 2013
by hilbert
Dear users,

We have decided to expand MultiCharts by adding full access to command line functionality. That includes not only reloading of data, but other command line features as well, such as changing chart symbol and resolution, etc. The feature is targeted to MultiCharts 8.7.

What does this mean with regards to re-loading data?

Does it mean that I have to click on each chart, thus making each chart active and then type in the specific command which will reload the data for that chart? If my understanding is correct, it means I still need to individually click on 50 charts. Am I correct?


Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Apr 11 2013
by Henry MultiСharts

What does this mean with regards to re-loading data?

Does it mean that I have to click on each chart, thus making each chart active and then type in the specific command which will reload the data for that chart? If my understanding is correct, it means I still need to individually click on 50 charts. Am I correct?

For example that will be possible to create a code checking for absence of realtime data and sending the reload command for the chart via command line. Similar to this sample:No realtime data alert

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Apr 11 2013
by hilbert

What does this mean with regards to re-loading data?

Does it mean that I have to click on each chart, thus making each chart active and then type in the specific command which will reload the data for that chart? If my understanding is correct, it means I still need to individually click on 50 charts. Am I correct?

For example that will be possible to create a code checking for absence of realtime data and sending the reload command for the chart via command line. Similar to this sample:No realtime data alert
Allow me to understand it clearly. Do you mean that it will be possible to send reload command using command line "through the code". So, no manual intervention needed and reload command will be issued and data will reload as soon as code identifies say 30 seconds have passed without real-time data?

If my understanding is correct, will it be possible to just reload last 1 day or last n bars instead of reloading all data? Many Thanks!!

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Apr 12 2013
by HPF
We have decided to expand MultiCharts by adding full access to command line functionality from the code. That includes not only reloading of data, but other command line features as well, such as changing chart symbol and resolution, etc. The feature is targeted to MultiCharts 8.7.
You are mentioning the command line. In the Wiki, I have found the following ... mmand_Line

Does this describe all functions of the command line? Is there any other documentation I should read? Are there further, undocumented functions worth knowing?

Thanks and kind regards,


Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Apr 19 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
You are mentioning the command line. In the Wiki, I have found the following ... mmand_Line
Does this describe all functions of the command line? Is there any other documentation I should read? Are there further, undocumented functions worth knowing?

Thanks and kind regards,

This article is incomplete. It will be updated with all of the required details on new functionality improvements once we implement them.

To give you some insight: from the code that will be possible to insert symbol, change symbol, insert indicator, insert signal, reload data (all data, certain resolution, interval (N days), all charts), change chart symbol name, change symbol resolution, turn off auto trading, show report, change bar spacing - all via new reserved word for accessing command line functionality.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Apr 19 2013
by hilbert
To give you some insight: from the code that will be possible to insert symbol, change symbol, insert indicator, insert signal, reload data (all data, certain resolution, interval (N days), all charts), change chart symbol name, change symbol resolution, turn off auto trading, show report, change bar spacing - all via new reserved word for accessing command line functionality.
This sounds too good. It will be great to have this functionality.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 14 2013
by brendanh
This article is incomplete. It will be updated with all of the required details on new functionality improvements once we implement them.

To give you some insight: from the code that will be possible to insert symbol, change symbol, insert indicator, insert signal, reload data (all data, certain resolution, interval (N days), all charts), change chart symbol name, change symbol resolution, turn off auto trading, show report, change bar spacing - all via new reserved word for accessing command line functionality.
Hi Henry,
Are there any new commands since this wiki was written? In particular I am waiting for a .run command that is equivalent to TS's .Run command ( This allows the execution of an external (shell) program. This opens up many possibilities, in my case I would like to create a folder prior to writing to an OHLC csv file. Keep up the good work, I particularly like the ability to change symbol programmatically!
Many thanks,

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 14 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Hello Brendan,

At the moment the Wiki command line article is up to date, there are no new commands scheduled. Unfortunately there is no equivalent to .Run command. We are going to add examples of using the commands in the nearest future.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 14 2013
by brendanh
How is it possible to call these commands from PowerLanguage code? I see there's now a CommandLine command, but none of the following compile:
  • CommandLine(.csy(name=@ES#));
    CommandLine(.csy name=@ES#);
    CommandLine .csy name=@ES#;
Please advise.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 14 2013
by hilbert
How is it possible to call these commands from PowerLanguage code? I see there's now a CommandLine command, but none of the following compile:
  • CommandLine(.csy(name=@ES#));
    CommandLine(.csy name=@ES#);
    CommandLine .csy name=@ES#;
Please advise.
I am also wondering the same. Can you please illustrate how to reload data using .rld command line from powerlanguage?


Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 14 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
How is it possible to call these commands from PowerLanguage code? I see there's now a CommandLine command, but none of the following compile:
  • CommandLine(.csy(name=@ES#));
    CommandLine(.csy name=@ES#);
    CommandLine .csy name=@ES#;
Please advise.
Have you checked the wiki? It already gives an example for that:

Example 2: Enter to command line: .csy dnum=1, name=@ES#, df=IQFeed, res=1 min, desc=E-MINI S&P 500 MARCH 2013, from=12/31/2012, to=5/10/2013 in order to change the data series 1 to 1 minute graph of S&P mini 500 from IQFeed starting from 31th of December 2012 up to 10th of May 2013 as additional data series to the active chart window.

Note: If dnum parameter is not specified, the selected data series will be affected. If no particular data series is selected, the data series 1 will be affected.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 14 2013
by brendanh
Type that into PowerLanguage and it won't compile. Does this mean these commands can't be programmed? This makes them fairly useless IMO. We already had the ability to switch symbols, enable autotrading, etc using the UI. If these new commands can't be used in PowerLanguage this new functionality is pointless. I suggest you ask the devs to go back to the drawing board. TS's programmatic implementation of commands\macros should be the guide:

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 14 2013
by brendanh
.run is the most important command to implement. It unleashes a whole new universe of possibilities using Multicharts. The fact that others on this forum have tried gamely to implement their own workarounds for MC's inability to launch executables shows the demand there is for this functionality. See FuryTrader's ShellFiles - viewtopic.php?f=1&t=8895&p=51422&hilit= ... les#p41970), however this doesn't work on 64 bit versions of MC.

Please reconsider implementing .run in the upcoming 8.7 release.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 14 2013
by TJ
Type that into PowerLanguage and it won't compile. ...[/url]
Those are for Command Line use only. They cannot be use in the PowerLanguage Editor.

Update: Command line commands can be called from PowerLanguage code since MultiCharts 8.7 beta 1.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 15 2013
by Meecc
Dear users,

We have decided to expand MultiCharts by adding full access to command line functionality from the code. That includes not only reloading of data, but other command line features as well, such as changing chart symbol and resolution, etc. The feature is targeted to MultiCharts 8.7.
Wishing for the αbility to run optimization in PLE scripting code using command line syntax ,
αnd being able to set the "to be optimized " input parameters for range and step ,

while using other optimization parameter as to the setting if not clearly alter in this scripted command line .

Is these possible ? Sir

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 15 2013
by brendanh
Type that into PowerLanguage and it won't compile. ...[/url]
Those are for Command Line use only. They cannot be use in the PowerLanguage Editor.
Then I repeat, these commands are all useless. Adding the ability to type into the MC toolbar to automate the UI brings no benefit. You are already in the UI! It is probably quicker to click and use keyboard shortcuts. I just don't see the use cases.

Every command\macro in the history of software has had the ability to be called from the main programming shell of that software. In Microsoft Office it's VBA, in TS it's EL, etc. That way the macros can be used in conjunction with the full abilities of the underlying language. In MultiCharts that means leveraging the hundreds of reserved words, functions, indicators, variables, etc in PowerLanguage. Please match your competitor TS.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 15 2013
by brendanh
The What's New for v8.7 blog here:
"It’s now programmatically possible to possible to insert symbol, change symbol, insert indicator, insert signal, reload data (all data, certain resolution, interval (N days), all charts), change chart symbol name, change symbol resolution, turn off auto trading, show report, change bar spacing. All possible via new reserved word for accessing command line functionality. For PowerLanguage it’s – “CommandLine”"

So it must be possible to call .csy etc as a parameter of CommandLine. Perhaps it's just not implemented yet in this beta version or we are getting the syntax wrong. I've tried:

CommandLine(.csy name=MSFT);
CommandLine .csy name=MSFT;

but all fail to compile. Can someone at MC confirm whether the list of commands here: ... mmand_Line
have been implemented in the CommandLine reserved word, and if so advise the correct syntax?

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 15 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Those are for Command Line use only. They cannot be use in the PowerLanguage Editor.
Command line commands can be called from PowerLanguage code since MultiCharts 8.7 beta 1.
Type that into PowerLanguage and it won't compile. Does this mean these commands can't be programmed?
Here is a code sample for post #34:

Code: Select all

commandline (".csy dnum=1, name=@ES#, df=IQFeed,
res=1 min, desc=E-MINI S&P 500 MARCH 2013,
from=12/31/2012, to=5/10/2013");

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 15 2013
by brendanh
Thanks Henry. Spotted that wiki the moment after I posted!! That's exactly what I was looking for.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 15 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Here is how to program "Reload 1 day back" with the help of Mouse Click Event.
Hold down Ctrl from keyboard and do left mouse button click to reload 1 day back:

Code: Select all

[ProcessMouseEvents = true];
switch (getappinfo(aicalcreason)) begin
case CalcReason_MouseLClick : if MouseClickCtrlPressed then begin
commandline(".rld int = 1 day");

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 15 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Wishing for the αbility to run optimization in PLE scripting code using command line syntax ,
αnd being able to set the "to be optimized " input parameters for range and step ,
while using other optimization parameter as to the setting if not clearly alter in this scripted command line .
Is these possible ? Sir
Hello Meecc,

Unfortunately there is no such functionality at the moment.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 15 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
.run is the most important command to implement. It unleashes a whole new universe of possibilities using Multicharts. The fact that others on this forum have tried gamely to implement their own workarounds for MC's inability to launch executables shows the demand there is for this functionality. See FuryTrader's ShellFiles - viewtopic.php?f=1&t=8895&p=51422&hilit=shell+files#p41970), however this doesn't work on 64 bit versions of MC.

Please reconsider implementing .run in the upcoming 8.7 release.
Here is a function and an indicator that will run Windows Calculator once the study is applied to the chart. For more information on ShellExecute function please refer to MSDN.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 16 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Corresponding Wiki articles have been updated with description and usage examples for the new Command Line reserved word:
MultiCharts Command line: list of supported commands
PowerLanguage CommandLine reserved word.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 16 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
I am also wondering the same. Can you please illustrate how to reload data using .rld command line from powerlanguage?
Example how to trigger Reload only once from the code.

CommandLine in .NET

Posted: May 17 2013
by HPF

do you already know how access to the command line will look like in MultiCharts.NET and which version is going to provide it?

Thanks a lot,


Re: CommandLine in .NET

Posted: May 17 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
do you already know how access to the command line will look like in MultiCharts.NET and which version is going to provide it?
Thanks a lot,
Сommand line access will be added in MultiCharts .NET 8.7 beta 1. At the moment there are no details that can be shared on how it will look like.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Jul 03 2013
by HPF
Just wanted to say thank you. We upgraded to 8.7 (.NET) and I can confirm that when our esignal connection is interrupted, MultiCharts automatically reloads the data as soon as the connection is back.


Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 04 2014
by JoshM
Here is how the current implementation works:
  • On tick based charts the gaps are backfilled at once after the connection is restored.
  • On minute based charts the gaps are not backfilled at once. The gaps are backfilled on a next historical data request (copy/paste chart, close/open workspace).
Some questions if I may:
Is this still how the current implementation works?
Is this how it will work for the foreseeable future?
Is this the case for every data provider or will tick based charts from data provider A reload while those from data provider B not?

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 15 2014
by Henry MultiСharts
Is this still how the current implementation works?
Hello Josh,

Yes, it is. I have updated post #14 with the actual information.
Is this how it will work for the foreseeable future?
In MultiCharts 9.0 minute based charts will be backfilled as well after the connection is restored.
Is this the case for every data provider or will tick based charts from data provider A reload while those from data provider B not?
This is not a reload, but a backfilling (not all of the data series length will be requested from the data provider, but only the missing data). Only the charts with the missing data will be backfilled, so if the connection with the data provider A was lost, but data provider B was functioning ok - only the missing data on the charts of the data provider A will be backfilled.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 16 2014
by Smoky
Hi Henry,

great job on release 9189, now MC reconnect very rapidly on datafeed !

but when you are on the market, the PnL don't refresh anymore after disconnect.

Takes a look about this small video please. Can't make chat demo because i have to cut the line ;)

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 16 2014
by Henry MultiСharts
Smoky, please provide MultiCharts logs for this occurrence (if you have not restarted the platform. Logs from the previous run are erased when you start MC).
In MultiCharts go to Help->Feedback->Send logs. Please let me know that you have uploaded the logs.
If you want to send the logs manually please follow this guide: ... harts_Logs
You can also follow this guide using MC Dumper.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 16 2014
by TJ
Smoky, please provide MultiCharts logs for this occurrence (if you have not restarted the platform. Logs from the previous run are erased when you start MC).
With the price and capacity of harddisk these days, maybe MultiCharts can consider an option to retain the old logs? And maybe an option to clear the old logs with the press of a button? The logs will sure come in handy in multiple occasions.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 17 2014
by Smoky
Smoky, please provide MultiCharts logs for this occurrence
Done ;)

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 17 2014
by Smoky
And maybe an option to clear the old logs with the press of a button? The logs will sure come in handy in multiple occasions.

@ TJ
1) with the dumper tool you have a button to clear log ;)

2) with the reg file tools 'AllTraceOFF64.reg" you can disable/enable log writting.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 18 2014
by JoshM
With the price and capacity of harddisk these days, maybe MultiCharts can consider an option to retain the old logs? And maybe an option to clear the old logs with the press of a button? The logs will sure come in handy in multiple occasions.
I'd also like to know what MC Support's view on this is. Can we expect sometime (say, this year) an option to retain the old logs?

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: May 19 2014
by Henry MultiСharts
Smoky, please provide MultiCharts logs for this occurrence (if you have not restarted the platform. Logs from the previous run are erased when you start MC).
With the price and capacity of harddisk these days, maybe MultiCharts can consider an option to retain the old logs? And maybe an option to clear the old logs with the press of a button? The logs will sure come in handy in multiple occasions.
I'd also like to know what MC Support's view on this is. Can we expect sometime (say, this year) an option to retain the old logs?
The logs are not erased in case there was a crash and a dump file was created. Such logs are moved into a backup folder next to the logs folder. That is also possible to set MultiCharts not to erase the logs on platform restart.
In the registry editor please change the value of the key “Report\Clear Log Folder After Session Without Errors” to False in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\TS Support\BugSlayer.

Please keep in mind that the logs will be accumulated in such case and you need to erase them manually.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Oct 15 2014
by hilbert
Is this how it will work for the foreseeable future?
In MultiCharts 9.0 minute based charts will be backfilled as well after the connection is restored.
I guess instant automatic reload for minute bars was not implemented in MC9.0. Any clarity when will this be implemented. This has been a promised functionality for quite some time now.

Re: Unstable Internet connection - Reload data automatically

Posted: Oct 17 2014
by Henry MultiСharts
Is this how it will work for the foreseeable future?
In MultiCharts 9.0 minute based charts will be backfilled as well after the connection is restored.
I guess instant automatic reload for minute bars was not implemented in MC9.0. Any clarity when will this be implemented. This has been a promised functionality for quite some time now.
Hello hilbert,

This feature was implemented in MC 9.0. Is it not working for you? Please specify the version of MultiCharts you are running, your data vendor, instrument and chart resolution.