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Slow Charting Tick-Chart

Posted: Mar 19 2013
by EddyEd
The MC-Charting in MC 8.x 64 bit is in busy moments very slow. Sometimes if the stock is traded busy ( more than 3 trades per second in the stock) there is a delay up to 3 seconds until MC is charting the price. This is very bad during scalping.
I noticed this during 1 Tickchart, and also with 5 Tick Candels.
Even I tried the Chart without Indicators I had the same results.
I have realtime data from esignal (500Instruments)
My second system is with another trading platform and Datafeed IB and Kinetick. So I could compare the performance and see the diference with that delay.
Did someone make the same experience or can anybody help me?

Re: Slow Charting Tick-Chart

Posted: Mar 20 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Hello Juergen,

Have you tried to compare your other trading platform using eSignal data with MultiCharts at the same time? In order to have relevant results you need to compare the same data flows.

Re: Slow Charting Tick-Chart

Posted: Mar 20 2013
by EddyEd
Hello Henry,
not at the same time because I only can receive the data once at the same time, but with the combination of NT / and Esignal it works well.

Re: Slow Charting Tick-Chart

Posted: Mar 20 2013
by trader39
I am experiencing the same issue (I run tick charts extensively on MC64) and I view it as a critical problem during periods of high activity. Sometimes with complex indicators applied to the chart and multiple tick charts running the lag can extend to 30 secs or more, even if there is extra CPU on the PC (usually I run less than 25% utilization of the 8 available threads on my PC.... I often wonder if quote manager is single threaded in that shutting down indicators on one chart often seems to help another catch up, even if there is plenty of CPU headroom overall.)

The problem is, of course, most acute if then I erroneously try to base a trade on seriously lagging data. I recall a much earlier version of MC actually had an indicator to show if the chart was lagging realtime (ideally this would show by how many seconds)...this would be a huge help if still available. Such an indicator would (a) warn to check an alternative data source if prices were lagging at all before attempting to enter a trade and (b) to restart or try a simpler indicator if the lag is substantial.

Is this lagging indicator feature still available, and if so how do I enable it?

Is quote manager single threaded, and if so is it possible to run multiple instances at once to make better use of CPU resources?

Re: Slow Charting Tick-Chart

Posted: Mar 20 2013
by ABC
There is the 0 q / 0 s information in the lower right bottom of the main window, that should show delays of quotes or seconds.

With MC 64 running on an i7 I often see the values for q spiking to 100-400 q. When I have only the same symbol on seven charts, what does 100 q exactly tell me. Am I 100 ticks delayed at that moment or what does 100 Quotes indicate?


Re: Slow Charting Tick-Chart

Posted: Mar 20 2013
by TJ
The MC-Charting in MC 8.x 64 bit is in busy moments very slow. Sometimes if the stock is traded busy ( more than 3 trades per second in the stock) there is a delay up to 3 seconds until MC is charting the price. This is very bad during scalping.
I noticed this during 1 Tickchart, and also with 5 Tick Candels.
Even I tried the Chart without Indicators I had the same results.
I have realtime data from esignal (500Instruments)
My second system is with another trading platform and Datafeed IB and Kinetick. So I could compare the performance and see the diference with that delay.
Did someone make the same experience or can anybody help me?
What kind of computer you are using?
How much memory does it have?
How many charts do you open?
How much back data is in your chart?

When I use 1 tick chart, I would open no more than one day's data.

Re: Slow Charting Tick-Chart

Posted: Mar 22 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Is quote manager single threaded, and if so is it possible to run multiple instances at once to make better use of CPU resources?
QuoteManager is just the GUI for the database access. That is not possible to start two QuoteManagers as there is no need to do that.
Tsserver.exe is in charge of data flow, it is multi threaded process.
I am experiencing the same issue (I run tick charts extensively on MC64) and I view it as a critical problem during periods of high activity. Sometimes with complex indicators applied to the chart and multiple tick charts running the lag can extend to 30 secs or more, even if there is extra CPU on the PC (usually I run less than 25% utilization of the 8 available threads on my PC....
With MC 64 running on an i7 I often see the values for q spiking to 100-400 q. When I have only the same symbol on seven charts, what does 100 q exactly tell me. Am I 100 ticks delayed at that moment or what does 100 Quotes indicate?
Please come to our live chat Monday-Friday 6:30 am - 4 pm EST to demonstrate this behavior remotely and we will collect all required for analysis information.

Re: Slow Charting Tick-Chart

Posted: Mar 25 2013
by ABC
With MC 64 running on an i7 I often see the values for q spiking to 100-400 q. When I have only the same symbol on seven charts, what does 100 q exactly tell me. Am I 100 ticks delayed at that moment or what does 100 Quotes indicate?
Please come to our live chat Monday-Friday 6:30 am - 4 pm EST to demonstrate this behavior remotely and we will collect all required for analysis information.
I can do this, but can you please elaborate what Quote exactly means here. Is 1 q equal to one tick delay or what does it represent? I couldn't find any information in the forum, wiki or documentation and I am sure it's of general interest.

Thank you,

Re: Slow Charting Tick-Chart

Posted: Mar 25 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
I can do this, but can you please elaborate what Quote exactly means here. Is 1 q equal to one tick delay or what does it represent? I couldn't find any information in the forum, wiki or documentation and I am sure it's of general interest.

Thank you,
This indication shows the amount of reatime ticks that have not been processed/plotted yet.
The time value shows the time difference between the first and the last tick in the queue.