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Posted: Jul 14 2006
by Stanley Miller
Hi neurotrader,

Yes, we are able to reproduce the same issue, we'll be taking care of this - it looks like something on the IB side has been changed.

Posted: Jul 14 2006
by neurotrader
thanks. I thought it could be on IB side as well.

Have a great weekend and thanks for all your efforts. Great software and best support.


Posted: Jul 17 2006
by neurotrader
Do you know when this probelm will be fixed? Still unable to plot stocks like QQQQ on MC with IB data.

Posted: Jul 17 2006
by Alex Kramer
Can you please tell what do you see in the QuoteManager log when trying to use that symbol? Any other symbols not working?

Posted: Jul 17 2006
by neurotrader
It stopped working last week on stocks. I track the QQQQ and posted a pic of Quotemanger last week .. I am posting one with todays. I also tried Google and same thing. It seems the problem is with stocks not futures.

Posted: Aug 15 2006
by Guest
Try use ISLAND as exchange instead of SMART.