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All Studies are GONE!!!!

Posted: Jul 31 2006
by iso
I just imported 2 basic indicators from TS into MC. Now when I goto add a study, there is nothing in the list. THere is nothing under Signal or Add-on either.

What's going on here.......... :?:

Posted: Jul 31 2006
by Alex Kramer
Please reply and attach here the studies you tried importing, we'll check this out.

Posted: Jul 31 2006
by dayraider
To get my indicators to show up, I had use the compile in the pleditor

Posted: Jul 31 2006
by iso
No not just the new ones, all of them. All of the default one too.

Posted: Jul 31 2006
by iso
Also, is it normal that it takes 15min to 30min to pull quotes from IB? Would I be better off using IQFeed as a data source?

Posted: Jul 31 2006
by iso
I just restarted MC and now I just have the new indicators I imported showing up. All the default ones are gone.........

Posted: Jul 31 2006
by Stanley Miller
Please try to reinstall MultiCharts or just go to the MultiCharts installation folder (Program Files\TS Support\PLEditor) and run extract_all_studies.bat. This should repair all the default studies.

Posted: Jul 31 2006
by iso
Ok, now all of the studies are back. If "Last Bar On Chart" is overwritten from the indicator that is being imported, could that cause a problem?

Also do you have any info on if using IQFeed is more reliable and efficient than IB?

Posted: Jul 31 2006
by Stanley Miller
I suppose IQFeed should more reliable.

Posted: Jul 31 2006
by iso
Now that all the studies are back, MC keeps crashing everytime I try to open one of my workspaces. It says "Failed to launch server application" Then 2 of the 4 charts load and the other 2 are grayed out (blank)

Posted: Aug 01 2006
by Stanley Miller
Did you try to reinstall it completely? Please try it and let me know if this helps. Thanks.

Posted: Aug 01 2006
by Chris
Ok, now all of the studies are back. If "Last Bar On Chart" is overwritten from the indicator that is being imported, could that cause a problem?
I have noticed something similar - overwriting standard functions might cause a total loss of the code in some of those functions. The result is that all of the studies using those functions are uncompiled and no longer useable. The strange thing is that you don't lose all standard functions, but only some and even they change if you do the procedure again.

Posted: Aug 01 2006
by Stanley Miller
Do you have an EasyLanguage file which can help us to reproduce the issue? Should I simply import a els file with standard functions inside and this will break everything?

Posted: Aug 01 2006
by Chris
Do you have an EasyLanguage file which can help us to reproduce the issue? Should I simply import a els file with standard functions inside and this will break everything?
In my case it was just an XML file exported from MC which contained some of the standard functions together with some other functions.

Posted: Aug 01 2006
by Stanley Miller
Can it be reproduced?

Posted: Aug 01 2006
by Chris
I think it could, because it happened a couple of times here this weekend.

It happened here while I transfered one XML from a computer using version 1.90.559.729 to a different computer using the current MC version.

Posted: Aug 01 2006
by momentum
I had same problem and needed to do a complete uninstall and then a re-install with the beta. There seems something in the beta that causes this.

Posted: Aug 02 2006
by Stanley Miller
Do you guys have xlm or els file which can help us to reproduce this issue? It would be really helpful. Thanks.

Posted: Aug 03 2006
by Guest
Do you guys have xlm or els file which can help us to reproduce this issue? It would be really helpful. Thanks.
I don't think it has anything to do with importing custom files. Just using the PLeditor and compiling causes me to loose all my indicators and functions. In my opinion, Pleditor is corrupting the graph.bin and graph_backup.xml files.


Posted: Aug 04 2006
by Pipscalper
I do have a similar related problem
I have imported an ela file compiled it
everything OK
but cannot add it to a chart.
I also did the extract_all_studies.bat which also verified OK
but no result
I will sent the ela file per email

Posted: Aug 04 2006
by momentum
Do you guys have xlm or els file which can help us to reproduce this issue? It would be really helpful. Thanks.
In my case, cleaning out the folders after an uninstall and then doing a new install of the beta, cured this problem although I cannot compile strategies as I import them, even though I tick the COMPILE ON IMPORT box. I need to open a strategy and hit F3 to compile most of my own strategies.

Posted: Aug 04 2006
by Alex Kramer
We're very concerned about this issue with PEditor in the new beta; someone having it, please contact us on LiveSupport chat or phone so we could have a direct look at this problem.

Posted: Aug 04 2006
by Stanley Miller
I do have a similar related problem
I have imported an ela file compiled it
everything OK
but cannot add it to a chart.
I also did the extract_all_studies.bat which also verified OK
but no result
I will sent the ela file per email
I was able to import, compile and apply your indicator on the chart without any problems (see the screenshot). As Alex mentioned above please contact us on LiveSupport chat or phone so we could have a direct look at this problem.

Posted: Aug 10 2006
by Stanley Miller
A new MultiCharts beta release is out. We fixed a problem that made all indicators and signal uncompiled after importing or compiling techniques. Please install the new version and let us know if the problem is really fixed.
