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Importing Stratagies and MC questions

Posted: Aug 05 2006
by llwill
Im looking at the demo of MC and trying to find out how to import my stratagies from TS. They are saved as .cag files and the import is looking for .eld Do I need to export all my stratagies to eld befor I can inport them?

Is it possible for MC to generate orders or signals for orders? For instance, if I had a stratagy could I set MC to sound an alarm when the conditions are met? or do I have to watch the chart to see when the conditions are met?

I only trade futures and there are no futures symbols in the demo. I tried to add the JY and BP using the quote manager but it never gets past connecting
( Im using TS data feed )

I also do not see any stop stratagies like trailing stop or stop loss. I tried importing a stop loss stratagy from TS but I dont see that it works, maby because I dont know what values to use with stocks.
can someone help me.


Posted: Aug 06 2006
by Stanley Miller
I'm not sure what is .cag files, you have to export all you strategies to eld and then import them to MultiCharts. MultiCharts doesn't have inbuilt alerts for signals but you can create an indicator to generate alerts when necessary.

If you can't setup TS data feed, please review the following tutorial and let me know if this helps: ... ation8.htm

As to the stop loss, please send me that strategy or post it here, I'll check how it works.

Posted: Aug 06 2006
by llwill
I did watch the tutorial but the demo must be different. It does not have the quote manager selectable in the start menue. Although I did find it in the top menu in the program window. I set up a new workspace and new chart window and new Quote manager window and did as it suggested last night but it would never download the data. I did it again today and had to click on the symbol and tell it yto connect and it then downloaded the chart info I used the ECUO6 1 min for 1 month. Maby TS was down last night when I tried, wouldnt be unusesal.

So I loaded a signa Concecitive ups LE and ran the PLE editor I entered a new name and pasted the study percent traling stop from TS in and compiled it and then loaded it as a signal with the entry signal. It should generate an exit and it doesnt. I tried different floor amounts. $12.5 is the tick price. Here it is.

I also cant get the Slippage and Commission windows to open up, they are greyed out. Also the Stratagy reports arent even close between TS and MC.
Thank you

As to the stop loss, please send me that strategy or post it here, I'll check how it works.[/quote]

[IntrabarOrderGeneration = false]
FloorAmt( 1 ),
TrailingPct( 20 ), { pass in XX for XX percent }
PositionBasis( false ) ;

if PositionBasis then
SetStopShare ;

if MarketPosition = 1 then
SetPercentTrailing( FloorAmt, TrailingPct ) ;

Posted: Aug 07 2006
by Alex Kramer
I tried pasting the Study Persent trailing code from TS but wasn't able to get it to complie as is, so I could not get further replicating your issue.

The reason is that not all reserved words from that code are yet suported y PowerLanguage (the unsupported words will be highlighted in red) - please note this for the future.

On the other hand, had no problems getting that symbol to chart.
We will keep on working on this case.