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Slippage interms of percentage instead of dollar

Posted: Aug 07 2006
by Sureshkumar
Can you provide the slippage setting interms of percentages(%) instead of dollar or providing option for these two(% and dollar).


Posted: Aug 07 2006
by Stanley Miller
Percentages of what?

Posted: Aug 08 2006
by SureshKumar
Percentage of entryprice and exit price

After a trade completion on backtesting
Assume the quantity (number of shares) is 100

My Long entry price(buying price) is 200.00
My Long exit price (sellign price) is 300.00

Dollar wise slippage is (30) input setting on multichart (current setting)

then the netprofit od the trade is


But I need a slippage setting interms of percentage

% wise slippage is (.03%) input setting on multichart (required setting)


So that my net profit is now


Kindly cosider this issue

This setting is mostly useful to all Technical analysis Researchers