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Opentick data

Posted: Aug 08 2006
by miltonc4
have registered with above who advise:

"You can use Multicharts with Dow Futures, but these won't work correctly
until their next release with the correct Opentick exchange codes."

Please advise when this correction might be made


Posted: Aug 08 2006
by Alex Kramer
This is already fixed in the latest beta version linked from

Please uninstall your existing version and try this one.

Posted: Aug 09 2006
by miltonc4
Hi Alex
Did as you suggest...uninstall,reinstall MC 1.90.581.872,but nothing is shown in PLEditor(No indicators,signals functions,or addons that came with the first beta version

Noted a previous post 4.4.06 "All studies gone, where it said:-

"Please try to reinstall MultiCharts or just go to the MultiCharts installation folder (Program Files\TS Support\PLEditor) and run extract_all_studies.bat. This should repair all the default studies."

This made no difference
Please advise,

Posted: Aug 09 2006
by miltonc4
Forgot to mention,that after 1st uninstall/reinstall got the message
Monitor:Cant find Agent "Bitware NTAgent"Class "WCNtAgent"

Would this have anything to do with the missing indicators signals etc
Turning computer off makes no difference...message still appears

Posted: Aug 09 2006
by Alex Kramer
Please contact us using the Live support chat or phone, we'd like to use HelpDesk for a direct look at your issue.

Posted: Aug 09 2006
by Alex Kramer
Please contact us using the Live support chat or phone, we'd like to use HelpDesk for a direct look at your issue.