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Can't get data for Forex from IB IDEALPRO

Posted: Aug 15 2006
by Guest
Anyone can help me on this problem.
I'm not able to get backfill for IB:AUD.USD:A from IB's IDEALPRO.
Error msg shown in attached screenshot.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Aug 15 2006
by Alex Kramer
What is the MultiCharts version you've been using? I checked this right now, works all right with .585.638 beta and with the settings as shown in the screenshot.

Posted: Aug 15 2006
by Guest
Dear Alex,

I'm the lastest version 1.90.588.845 Beta.
Same problem with the offical released version.

Quote manager event log shows:
errorcode=200; errormsg=No security definitiion has been found for the request.

Thanks for your help and look forward to your reply.

Posted: Aug 16 2006
by Alex Kramer
Please contact us using Live Support chat (, we'll use HelpDesk to take a direct look at your problem.

Posted: Sep 01 2006
by dougm_tx
Was there an easy fix for this? Am getting same message. Am showing Bids and Asks in TWS. Trying to Plot EUR.USD .
