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Windows disappearing

Posted: Aug 15 2006
by stepwise
Hi there,

When I have a workspace open with multiple charts, I occassionally minimize some windows to manage my space. However, everytime I try to restore a mimimized chart it disappears.

It does not close since I can still see it undere the Windows menu. Also, when I select it from the Windows menu it actually selects but the chart is no where to be seen.

An screenshot is attached. You will notice that the title bar shows the screen I selected but it is not visible in the workspace.

Posted: Aug 15 2006
by Alex Kramer
Thanks for informing us; could you please provide a more detailed description - what version of Multichartsn you're using, what are the indicators and settings (please send to us the workspace file), the exact steps for reproducting the issue will be most appeciated.

Posted: Aug 15 2006
by stepwise
I am using the latest BETA version of MC (downloaded 3 days ago).

Attached is the Workspace file.

I have a hard time reproducing. I simply added charts to my workspace, minimized one or two and then tried to restore them. You will see that on the Windows menu there are more chart windows open then are visible.

Posted: Aug 15 2006
by stepwise
Hmmmm.....a bit of a problem. I can't reproduce this in a new workspace and the workspace I have the problem in is too big to upload.

I can't even delete charts from the original workspace because I can't access / see them :)

Anyway, I will play around with new workspaces and see if I can reproduce the problem. If / when that happens I'll upload it.

Posted: Aug 15 2006
by Alex Kramer
Please zip the problem workspace and try emailing it to me directly at

Posted: Aug 21 2006
by stepwise
Here are the steps to reproducing the problem of disappearing windows.

1. Open up a NEW workspace.
2. Open, say, 3 or 4 charts.
3. Minimize one chart.
4. Save and close the workspace.
5. Open up the workspace and try to restore the minimized chart.

Depending on your resolution and screen size you may or may not see the window. But in all cases (in my experience), the window does not restore to the original position. It tends to restore to where it is minimized. If your screen is large enough you can move it to the desired position. Otherwise, you cannot access the window.

Note: Once you open the workspace and restore the chart and move it to the desired position - the minimize problem goes away as long as the workspace is open. This only occurs every time you first open up the workspace.

I will also email my zipped workspace to your email address.

Subject will be: Disappearing Windows - Workspace

Posted: Aug 21 2006
by Alex Kramer
Ok, I have received it and will try reproducing here.

Posted: Aug 21 2006
by Alex Kramer
A question - please check in File->Preferences-> Workspaces.
If the "Do not show Save Workspace dialog on exit" checkbox is marked and the Save workspace radio button is active, then every time you close a workspace, you save it with the current window state, size and position, and so it will open the next time.

Posted: Aug 21 2006
by stepwise
I did as you suggested.

However, I still get the same problem.

The issue, remember, is that in my workspace I would close it with, say, 2 charts open and 1 chart minimized. When I open the chart it should restore to where it was last minimized from (i.e. center of workspace). Instead it restores to somewhere at the bottom of the window (and in my case - inaccessible).

The reason, I do this by the way is because I have 6 charts per workspace. But I only have 3 showing at one time. So, 3 charts would be visible and the other 3 would be positioned on top of the first 3. I just minimize 3 of them and show them when I need to.

Also, when I set the preferences as you indicated, my charts open WITHOUT my template applied - whereas before they always opened up with my templates applied.

Posted: Aug 21 2006
by stepwise
Forget the last comment about the templates...they work fine.

But the minimize issue is as described above.
