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RE: Time price opportunity indicaotors for MC?

Posted: Aug 21 2006
by king
Does anybody know how to build EL code for TPO and market profile indicatod in MC similar to that on SC?

Posted: Aug 21 2006
by Stanley Miller
Dear King,

MultiCharts had in-built volume profile tool which displays the volume for a security at each price it traded throughout the day.

As to the market profile, you can try to find the corresponding indicator in EasyLanguage somewhere and import it into the MultiCharts. For example Swisstrader posted great pictures on the forum, you can ask about it in this thread:

Posted: Aug 21 2006
by Guest
Hi Stanley,

Thanks for your prompt reply
I have contacted Swisstrader previosuly but the charge for the inidcators are too expensive. Do you have any other sources that I can refer ? What are the possibility of incoprating TPO and MP as an add-on in MC?


Posted: Aug 21 2006
by Guest
Dear King,

MultiCharts had in-built volume profile tool which displays the volume for a security at each price it traded throughout the day.

As to the market profile, you can try to find the corresponding indicator in EasyLanguage somewhere and import it into the MultiCharts. For example Swisstrader posted great pictures on the forum, you can ask about it in this thread:
What is this in-built volume profile tool called ?

I cannot seem to find this... thanks

Posted: Aug 21 2006
by swisstrader
Hi Stanley,

Thanks for your prompt reply
I have contacted Swisstrader previosuly but the charge for the inidcators are too expensive. Do you have any other sources that I can refer ? What are the possibility of incoprating TPO and MP as an add-on in MC?

Hi 'Guest',
what is overpriced with 395€ per tool? These are market interest prices.
No leasing rates or new rent rates. LIVETIME version.

My new tool which calculates the significant Supports and Resistances at teh end of session FOR NEXT SESSION I've offered you additionally for 1200€.
Please tell me one tool on the market that you can buy with that features.

Here a printscreen of the new tool:

Posted: Aug 21 2006
by Stanley Miller
What is this in-built volume profile tool called ?
I cannot seem to find this... thanks
You can find the corresponding tabs in the Format Window and Format Symbol dialog windows.

Posted: Aug 21 2006
by Guest
What is this in-built volume profile tool called ?
I cannot seem to find this... thanks
You can find the corresponding tabs in the Format Window and Format Symbol dialog windows.
I found the dialog box ... but I toy around with the various options and yet nothing additional appears on the chart.

How does this thing plot on the chart ?... Does it show on the chart like a market profile format ?

How does this in your own words "displays the volume for a security at each price it traded throughout the day"
Would appreciate if you can show me a screenshot



Posted: Aug 21 2006
by Stanley Miller

Posted: Aug 21 2006
by Guest
Hi Swisstrader,

A lifetime license of MC with numerous indicaotrs and add-on cost only 399US. Your indicator cost more than a charting software!!!

Stanley, please consider the provision of market profile based on price and volume for MC users :P

Posted: Aug 21 2006
by Alex Kramer
Dear guest -

The lifetime license for MC costs only 399US but this does not include the commercial third-party addons.

Posted: Aug 21 2006
by Guest
thanks stanely, it is what i am looking for.

Can this histogram be calculated for current day only ?
Or even better still can we defined it to calculate for X days back ?

I think currently we can only define it to calculate for Screen, entire data series and Y bars back


Posted: Aug 22 2006
by Guest
Adding a feature such as Market Profile to MC as a native indicator would greatly enhance MC at a time when there are more and more people using Market Profile. The existing MP for TS are either not well done or are too expensive. As soon as users new that MC had MP, the sales would rise overnight due to the three or four large chat rooms that now concentrate on MP trading.

Posted: Aug 22 2006
by Alex Kramer
We know how important Market Profile can be and are going to impement MP soon (probably in about a month), hope this is good news for you.

Posted: Aug 22 2006
by Nick
Thats good news Alex,

Personaly I prefer volume profile. It would be great if you could have volume at price for any time period. These would be plotted horizontaly similar to the display that swisstrader has produced (presumably using drawn lines).

It would be great if the functions to produce these plots could be exposed in the script language too.

TS has had functions to plot this sort of data since 2000i. They called them activity bar studies from memory. Those would be great for inclusion in MC.


Posted: Aug 22 2006
by Alex Kramer
I have a question, Nick - if you tried the MultiCharts integrated volume profile, what did you dislike in it?

Posted: Aug 22 2006
by momentum
I'm not Nick but the deficiency of Volume Profile as implemented now is that the 70% Value area is not obvious and there is only the current day. Market Profile's strength is the ability to draw conclusions from seeing a number of days at the same time and look at value areas, points of controles and tails in relation to each other.

Posted: Aug 22 2006
by Alex Kramer
Thanks for the input, we'll consider this, maybe we'll rework the Volume Profile in such a way that it shows the volumes above every day.

Posted: Aug 22 2006
by Guest
Thanks for the input, we'll consider this, maybe we'll rework the Volume Profile in such a way that it shows the volumes above every day.
Can the Volume Profile be done such that it calculates base on Tick information even though the chart is plotting minute candles ?
Calculating base on close, open or mid of a minute Candle is not so accurate.

In addition, it would be good if we can highlight the POC for the interval defined. Maybe with a different color or something.

QuoteTracker is able to do both the above.


Posted: Aug 22 2006
by Guest
Good to hear that MC will soon implement MP

The best way is to have TPO and market profile on a separate screen, which can be hidden or shown according to trader's choice

You can follow how SC design the volume profile platform

Posted: Aug 22 2006
by Alex Kramer
Thanks for the input, we'll consider this option. I need to tell that it's not possible to have "the volume based calculates base on Tick information even though the chart is plotting minute candles".

Market Profile

Posted: Dec 02 2006
by Guest
We know how important Market Profile can be and are going to impement MP soon (probably in about a month), hope this is good news for you.
The above was written on Aug 22,2006 by a MC staff member.

It is now '3' months later-what is the current status?

Posted: Dec 03 2006
by Stanley Miller
Please check the User-Contributed Studies section of our forum, it contains advanced indicators for MultiCharts including Market Profile: