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Posted: Aug 21 2006
by pipsqueek
I subscribed to Opentick. How do I enable the data feed for MC? Is there a module to d/l from opentick?

Posted: Aug 21 2006
by Alex Kramer
You'll need to create symbols using otFeed and just start charting - but there are points to consider.
Most important, opentick uses its own exchange names so you'll need to create new exchanges, here's the list of names:

> A - American Stock Exchange
> AO - American Stock Exchange (options)
> B - Boston Stock Exchange
> BO - Boston Options Exchange
> BT - Chicago Board of Trade
> C - Cincinatti Stock Exchange
> CO - Chicago Board Options Exchange
> DT - Dow Jones
> EC - Chicago Board of Trade (Emini)
> EM - Chicago Mercantile Exchange (Emini)
> HT - Chicago Mercantile Exchange (GLOBEX)
> IO - International Securities Exchange (options)
> M - Chicago (Midwest) Stock Exchange
> MT - Chicago Mercantile Exchange
> N - New York Stock Exchange
> NO - New York Stock Exchange (Options)
> P - Pacific Stock Exchange
> PO - Pacific Stock Exchange (options)
> Q - Nasdaq NMS
> S - NASDAQ Small Cap
> T - NASDAQ Listed Stocks
> U - NASDAQ Bulletin Board
> UT - Chicago Board of Trade
> V - NASDAQ Bulletin Board (pink)
> W - Chicago Board Options Exchange - non options (QQQ, SPY)
> X - Philadelphia Stock Exchange
> XO - Philadelphia Stock Exchange

Then you'll be able to add symbols using Lookup and chart them.

Posted: Aug 21 2006
by pipsqueek
otFeed, do I use the API from opentick. Since they only support 4-5 data feeds you would think they would supply a client of some sort. I installed the new MC beta but when I go to add symbol, under data source it does not show opentick but I can see a tsOTDataFeed.dll under the common files/datafeeds. ???

Opentick Feed

Posted: Aug 21 2006
by widgetman
I created a new exchange called Opentick and abbreviated it HT for the globex. I then tried to add a symbol. I see that I am logged into Opentick ok, but no data comes through. What is the trick to using this feed ?

Posted: Aug 22 2006
by Alex Kramer
otFeed, do I use the API from opentick. Since they only support 4-5 data feeds you would think they would supply a client of some sort. I installed the new MC beta but when I go to add symbol, under data source it does not show opentick but I can see a tsOTDataFeed.dll under the common files/datafeeds. ???
What version of Multicharts are you using? Here are the screenshots from the beta version showing the otFeed in Quote Manager data sources and in the Format Symbol dialog.


Posted: Aug 23 2006
by oscar1
So many steps to follow, a real pain.

OpenTick Issues

Posted: Aug 23 2006
by widgetman
I am still trying to get the Opentick datafeed working. I can get a successful login message in the quote manager, but when I request the symbol EUR on exchange HT I get a connection inactive message. Has anyone else seen this ? Does a special port have to be opened up on my Router for this to work ? Any help would be appreciated

Posted: Aug 23 2006
by Alex Kramer
I have a question - do you have any other program using Opentick?

OpenTick problem

Posted: Aug 23 2006
by Victor
Dear support team.

You created a wonderful project and I am enjoing it a lot! But, OpenTick data source just doesn't work!!!

I've been saying that since first beta comes and get nothing except questions like: What version, call our helpdesk and so on.

Did you, dear support, get that working on your machine!?

Using thier API, I can get the data, they pretty often change thier servers from to and I agree, that unstable even through thier APIs. Sometimes, response depends on Start and Finish requiest dates. More over, thier service looks unrelyable for me, because I got several weeks of missing data ...

However, Please, try to correct all the problems with OpenTick, because this is the only data I know, who provides free Intraday data. We need that!

Thanks one more time for your wonderful product.


Posted: Aug 23 2006
by Alex Kramer
Dear Victor -

We are working on getting OpenTick to work perfectly - but as many customers have already noticed, this is a complicated task.

If you're worried whether it works at all - it is possible to receive otFeed data using the proper exchange and symbol settings. See the screenshot for an example:


Posted: Aug 23 2006
by pipsqueek
I have the latest MC Beta and I did find the otfeed in Quote manager. Still fiddling around to get it to work. A tutorial would be nice, something that could have been done with screenshots while you were setting yours up.


Posted: Aug 23 2006
by pipsqueek
Spoke to Josh at Open Tick and he mentioned that there are still some issues with the interface and with MC and still needs debugging. Its fine that you have your connection working but more often than not it seems that OTick data feed connection isn't ready for prime time.
it is possible to receive otFeed data using the proper exchange and symbol settings

Posted: Aug 24 2006
by Alex Kramer
One thing Josh asked us to do was to add the Open Tick exchanges to the MultiCharts Exchanges list.

If there's any other bugs or problems he mentioned to you, what were those?


Posted: Aug 24 2006
by pipsqueek
I emailed Josh to see if he can post a reply.

Posted: Aug 24 2006
by jbergeron
Greetings everyone,

This is Joshua over at Opentick. Just thought I would join in on this thread and offer some information. I began using the Multicharts Beta build about 3 or 4 weeks ago, that initially had Opentick support.

Any attempt I have made in creating custom exchange codes has caused strange problems. In trying to troubleshoot one users issues, I created the "EM" exchange code, and set up a symbol in the quotemanager to use it. The quotemanager eventually notes that it is recieving ticks, and after leaving it unattended for a few hours it gathered up a nice amount. However, when attempting to load a chart (real-time otfeed data, and local data-cache), none of this data gets drawn on the chart, and no new real-time ticks do either. The same result has occured for me every time. They remain in some kind of "sorry, no data" state. I think at one point, the price in the title bar for the Chart was updating with data, but nothing was ever drawn in the chart. Actually, "editing" the data didn't work either. The dataset appeared to be empty.

I noted a number of other issues is some recent emails to Kate; I figured she would have forwarded these onto the team. In most cases I have told our users to wait for the next build of Multicharts, as the current build's support for otFeed is immature as of yet, and does not include exchange codes (yeah, we can create them ourselves - but this didn't work for me. and since the ones I do create manually do recieve data, but don't get drawn in a chart....?). I see now that there is a more updated build available than what I was using in my attempts, so maybe that resolves the issues I was having; but I didn't see much noted about OT in your changelog.

For the case of using Nasdaq though (The "NASDAQ" exchange code), which our system does support, and was an exchange code that existed in Multicharts, I had no problem recieving data and having it charted. Left it running for a couple weeks actually. I primarily used the real-time data source and local data-cache kind of charts though. This is how I initially tested otFeed under MultiCharts and it worked well.

MultiCharts is a great product - probably my favorite charting platform that I've used recently. Really, we are prepared to offer whatever developmental resources are necessary to ensure the satisfaction of our mutual users. If your dev team wants to work with ours a little more closely in debugging some things. IE: we can watch server side and help troubleshoot strange issues, for example. Whatever we can do to help!

Yeah, our historical database has it's kinks - I'll be the first to admit it, so maybe it's worth it to note that functionality will probably be better using otFeed as a real-time data source, until our historical database has matured more - and believe me it is maturing fast :)

OpenTick Feed

Posted: Aug 24 2006
by widgetman
Hi Joshua
Thanks for the update. I have been trying for days to get data to come in from Opentick to Multicharts. I can login just fine but no data seems to come through. I was hoping Opentick would be a reliable source for data intraday since IB seems to be missing data on tick charts which can result in false signals. I guess I will wait for the new beta to try again.

Posted: Aug 25 2006
by Alex Kramer
Hello Josh -

Thanks for insight and the kind words. In the build since the one you tried out we added support for automated symbol lookup from OpenTick and in another build coming soon we'll have your exchanges list functioning properly - these, I think, cover some 90% of the problems our users are having with otFeed.

We're not getting into much technical detail on the changelog about OT as most changes are small but there's a fair amount of them, so it is by no means neglected.
Thanks for the offers to help, your reports about problems and requests will be most welcome. Hope our co-operation will be fruitful.

Open Tick

Posted: Aug 25 2006
by pipsqueek
Thanks for the settings Alex. I can get a minimal chart but only if I select Online: I want to get data from local database and connect to real time data.

If I select On-demand I want to download missing data etc it sits all day getting data so I suspect that if the historical database from Open tick as well as my local database has missing data it probably won't load up a chart.

But still vague on settings for tick or minute to format symbol.

Compression: Tick/Minute Etc
Field: Trade
Sessions: 24 Hour or regular?
Build Volume on: Individual Settings for Tick/Volume etc