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MC is not Accurate on Chart Displays

Posted: Aug 24 2006
by widgetman
Hi Stanley/Alex
Attached is a 5m shot of the Euro with data from IB. I have a friend who uses IB as a feed to his TS8 system somehow. When I compare the same charts over the same time period you will notice that the candle bars are totally different. We also compared a 5m chart using Esignal as a feed, and it matched the TS8 chart. My concern with using MC right now is if I overlay my custom trading system on both charts I get radically different results. Before anything else I think MC needs to make sure that when you create a chart and display the information to the end user so they see what everyone else in the world is seeing Real Time. I started noticing this in the new versions, but did not stop and try to isolate it until now. Don't get me wrong I think MC is a great product and I will continue to help you work out the bugs. All I am trying to do is point out that this could be potentially dangerous to anyone using the charts and running indicators.

Posted: Aug 24 2006
by widgetman
Here is the 2nd chart

Posted: Aug 24 2006
by fs
The Chart from MC is the Russell Futures and the one from TS is the Euro Futures. Of course they will be different.

- Fanus

Posted: Aug 24 2006
by widgetman
Well I feel stupid. Thanks for pointing out my innogrance Fanus. I apologize for accusing MC of being wrong. Attached is a 5m euro chart from MC and yes indeed it does match. that would explain why my indicators were off. Like I said before MC is a awsome program and I will continue to do what I can to help work out the bugs until it is complete.

Posted: Aug 25 2006
by Alex Kramer
Fanus, widgetman - thank you both, for clearing a customer's problem and for raising the point of attention to one's studies, settings and symbols.