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pL editor indicators gone

Posted: Aug 26 2006
by Pipscalper
I installed new version of IB TWS and I started MC and changed to offline mode due to IB not available on saterday.

I got a message about a .jar file missing don't know what file because after restart message did not reappear again.

Now on my charts all indicators are gone which I knew can sometimes happen , but should be fixed offcourse.

After opening PL editor there is only 1 (read one) indicator the rest is gone ,functions are still there.
This is a big problem it will cost me a lot of time to find all self coded indicators and reinstall them on all the charts. hopefully that my backup is still up to date.

Furtermore on one page the QM was opened in a window and when I click on that window the QM does not appear and I cannot close it. I have to open QM once again and the old QM stays there till a new upgrade or new installation.

I have also a daily chart whith data from a metastockfile which cannot be loaded this is simple forward daily data in MS form.
There is still somewhere something going wrong in the server I think

What I did was
1 install new IB TWS
2 started MC and changed to offline
3 May be there was the following conflict
I first started MC and MC tries to contact IB because it was Still online
Then I got a message that there was a new upgrade for IB.
I closed MC and upgraded, but I think that the tsserver was
still running( which has also to be fixed,closing MC must also in all
cases close the server or atleast give a warning when a proces is
still running in the background).Wile the server was running ,the upgrade from IB changed something in the .jar file and therefore the problem.
I still cannot relate this in any way to the dissapearing of all the
indicators in PL editor.
Tommorow Sunday I will try again when IB is back online and see if something changes. Otherwise I am forced to a reinstallment.

Sorry that i missed the Jar file warning and for this lenghty comment but hope that it will contribute to improvement in the product.

Posted: Aug 27 2006
by Pipscalper
First of all THIS CONCERNS ONLY BETA version

I posted the previous wrongly as a new subject but it should be transfered to the topic beta release.

Now after connecting live to IB there was no change and I deleted and reinstalled mc.
Indicators are back in PlEditor.
Still cannot delete the QM window in one workspace.
Except I can delete the workspace and create it again as a new wsp.

Strange is also that in offline mode I cannot connect to daily metastock file but in demand mode Ican.
No connection to datafarm I don't know if IbDatafarm is down or not also no connection anymore to own database.

Posted: Aug 28 2006
by Alex Kramer
Dear Pipscalper -

If this is happening with the beta from August 21 (the latest beta), please do not mind this - the indicatir handling is fundamentally broken there.
Please wait for the newer version or if necessary roll back to a stable release (here's a link - ; take care to perform the folder cleanup as decribed in the Beta version thread, as those broken indicators must be removed).

Posted: Aug 28 2006
by Pipscalper
It is the 581.872 beta and now IB is online again everything is working again.
Also the QM window is now back again.
But not having the possibility to close such a window if datafeed is not online only confusses everything.
Still I think that my suggestion of Showing programs running in the background before close or upgrade something would decrease a lot of unneccessary faults.
Awaiting your new version