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Clone trend line

Posted: Jun 05 2013
by O66
When i draw a trend line (freestyle) and clone that line the angle of the cloned line is different.
also when i open properties for the line and close without changing a thing the trendline is moved/snapped to close of candle.

see video

this is in 8.7 beta 2 build 7263
(windows 8/64 bit)

any ideas?


Re: Clone trend line

Posted: Jun 05 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Hello O66,

Please set the Chart Shift option to "Bars" in Format->Window->X-time scale.

Re: Clone trend line

Posted: Jun 05 2013
by O66
tx will try that

Re: Clone trend line

Posted: Jun 12 2013
by O66

i have mixed results.
see video:

any ideas?

Re: Clone trend line

Posted: Jun 12 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
You have mixed results because you are changing from "Bars" to "Percent" Chart Shift.
With "Percent" Chart Shift that is not technically possible to have the cloned trendline end coordinates the same as the original trendline when the trendline end point is on the chart shift area or outside of the chart window.
You need to use "Bars" Chart Shift in order your cloned trendline to match the original one.

Re: Clone trend line

Posted: Jun 12 2013
by O66
well you can try for yourself if you like.
the default setting is bars.
i changed that inb my video to let you see that i have the correct settings

sometimes the clone is ok, but i have many times a clone with a different angle, despite the bar setting in chart shift.
call me crazy or what but it's not always a 100% clone

Re: Clone trend line

Posted: Jun 13 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Please set the Chart Shift to "Bars" and make it default for all new charts.
Create new chart. Do not switch Chart Shift modes back and forth. Draw your trendlines so that the end point is not outside the chart. Clone it. Are the trendlines get incorrect angle now?
If yes then provide exact steps for replicating this behavior.

Re: Clone trend line

Posted: Jun 13 2013
by O66
see video

as you can see i draw the line while setting for chart shift is set to bars
i draw the line inside the chart
then clone the line and this clone is presented party outside the chart and the line isnt a correct clone.
isnt this a bug?

or what is it what im doing wrong?

edit: did restart of mc and trried again.
first clone is not good, 2nd and 3rd are ok.
looks like that as soon you draw a line with endpoint right from last candle its going wrong

Re: Clone trend line

Posted: Jun 14 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
Hello O66,

We have replicated this behavior in our environment. It will be resolved in MultiCharts 8.7 Release.

Re: Clone trend line

Posted: Jun 14 2013
by O66
thank you

Re: Clone trend line

Posted: Jul 10 2013
by O66
hi, issue is still there.

I reinstalled 8.7 release from last july 6th
build MultiCharts64 Version 8.7 Release (Build 7432)

Re: Clone trend line

Posted: Jul 16 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
The fix has been postponed. It should appear in MultiCharts 8.8.

Re: Clone trend line

Posted: Oct 23 2013
by Henry MultiСharts
This issue has been resolved in MultiCharts 8.8 Beta 2