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BackFilling Charts

Posted: Aug 28 2006
by widgetman
I am trying to understand which database mode uses the data from the local machine then gets missing data from the IB server. OnDemand mode seems to load all data from IB. Online seems to get the data stored in the database, but then goes to RT and does not fill the gap between that last time I stored data and when I connected again. Offline obviously brings in data that is stored in the database. The reason I ask is it seems that the latest Beta version from 8/22 is taking a long time to load only a few charts with data from 20 days back on tick charts. Any help to understand this would be appreciated.

Posted: Aug 28 2006
by Alex Kramer
Please send us the log of this attempt to receive IB data from QuoteManager (right-click in the log field -> Open Log Folder, zip it and send to , we'll analyze the log data.

Posted: Aug 28 2006
by widgetman
Hi Alex,
I will do that when I get a chance. It seems to mostly be noticeable Sunday nites to Monday AM. Not sure why. I may roll back to 8/11 version for more stability and speed. That version seems nuch faster loading data from IB. Is a new beta due out soon, and if so will it support the latest API ?

Posted: Aug 28 2006
by Alex Kramer
The API hasn't changed for a while already (meaning all betas have the same IB datafeed .dll) so this isn't going to change soon; the existing API should be working fine this is why I'm asking for the log.