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What is the link for a valid beta????

Posted: Aug 28 2006
by Sigma Trader
You know, this sight is very lacking in clarity of where to get a valid download for software. First the posts say don't use 595.920 and then say to use the same download link for a prior build. Unfortunaltly the link still has the beta that sucks sucks sucks 595.920. Since that beta is so bad why do you still have it at the link? That boggles my mind. Why don't you have a specific link at the top of the page for the preferred beta in a case like this??? instead of a user having to wade through pages of posts to find one that works to download. I am really getting disappointed with the progress of development of this software. Things are going very very slowly and when a beta is released it is many steps backwards. Suggestion is before having your client base test a product so full of errors, your management should assure that a base functionality is still maintained. This last beta is the worst i've had so far.

Posted: Sep 04 2006
by Stanley Miller
Dear Sigma Trader,

Please follow the link to find the updated beta version, it should be much better:

Posted: Sep 26 2006
by Nick
If you can find it I would go with the previous one. That one is a nightmare.


Posted: Sep 26 2006
by Kaos
Hi Stanley,

I don't know if people have asked before (or it may be already available and I haven't seen the page) but I was wondering if it would be possible to have a multicharts download webpage?

On that page have links to all previous versions of beta and stable releases.

I only ask because it seems it may be less confusing regarding links etc. As long as the files are labeled mutlichartsx.x.xx.exe and multichartsbetax.x.xx.exe

I know everyone wants everything done asap :-) but if possible on the page list the version-new features-bug fixes and known limitations for each version.


Posted: Sep 27 2006
by Guest
I second what Kaos has proposed.

Makes life simple for everyone and should be simple to put into effect quickly.

Posted: Sep 27 2006
by Alex Kramer
This will be done, a list of links to various versiosn will be published.

Posted: Sep 27 2006
by TJ
Thanks Alex. Your sensitity to customer needs is bar none amoung vendors.

Where Is the Beta Download Link?

Posted: Nov 19 2006
by denizen2
This will be done, a list of links to various versiosn will be published.
I can not (yet) find the 'published' links to the current 'beta' :? . Please, make it simple to find and download the current beta, AND separately a link to the current most stable (previous) version. Maybe this has already been done, but I am unable to find it. :wink:

Posted: Nov 20 2006
by Alex Kramer
Current beta: ... 4.1126.exe

Stable version: ... charts.exe
(Does not support strategies, may have issues with IB data downloading)

Any Plans for a Download Web-Page?

Posted: Nov 20 2006
by denizen2
Are there any plans to provide a 'Download' web-page where we can always and easily identify the most recent version of the 'beta'? I know that this information can be found somewhere in the Forum.

There has already been many user-feedback comments in this Forum about this issue, i.e., the need for a 'special' and 'visable' place where we can find the proper and current download links and related-update-documentation. Such a download-page would help keep everybody involved, focused, and disciplined during the very important 'beta' testing stage(s). :wink: What do you think?

Posted: Nov 20 2006
by Alex Kramer
We'll create such a section in a couple days and keep updating it with all new released versions, hope this will sort out the problem

Thanks for the Good News

Posted: Nov 20 2006
by denizen2
We'll create such a section in a couple days and keep updating it with all new released versions, hope this will sort out the problem
Alex, thank you for the good news. :D If possible, it would be very useful to all of beta testers if that 'Beta Page' included some kind of list of bugs and/or 'issues' that are already identified (& confirmed). Maybe it would also include some 'statistics' about how many bugs have been 'fixed' or 'resolved' and likely to dissapear in the next version? Yuh know.... it the kind of 'stuff' that gives some frequent reminders of how you guys are working so hard for achieving a 'job well done' 8) , AND how important it is for all beta testers to participate in that process.

Most of us are not very aware of just how much time and energy is required to 'get the job done right'. Communication of current status always helps that awareness, and I commend you all for your great efforts to help us better understand and use your great software.

Posted: Nov 21 2006
by Stanley Miller

Posted: Nov 21 2006
by TJ
good work. Exactly what people would like -- be informed.

Posted: Nov 21 2006
by Alex Kramer
Ok, now the new section is ready, you can look up the latest version numbers and download if necessary.
The discussion of the beta version's features and problem goes on in the "MultiCharts Beta" thread, I don't think it makes sense to separate it, so when the new beta is released, we'll go on using it. If this does not appear right to you, please comment.

Looks Good to me too! Thank you.

Posted: Nov 21 2006
by Guest
Thanks guys. The download page looks very good, and I can find it easily at the top level under the 'Support' menu item. That is exactly where people would normally 'expect' to find this kind of information. :)