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Unexpected shutdown

Posted: Aug 29 2006
by miltonc4
Hi Support
Please try a test on Product Ver 1.90.588.845 Beta

Load MCharts up with Global server live feed, open several charts, add several indicators, then turn computer power off with MC and Global server still running.

You should note the following
All the indicators loaded disappear from Charts on next reload of workspace
These indicators now become unCompiled in PLEditor, and sometimes some disappear from from the PLEditor
About 2 hours data collected in the Global server gets lost
The study templates don’t work on opening new charts,in fact I have never been able to apply them(They save OK to the study template file but how does one get them into a chart

The above occurs on any power failure, any crash of MC or freeze of MC/other program or any other reason for a shutdown, happening whilst MC is operating.
EG,if MC is not shut down politely, before anything happens, then the above occurs which is too painful after the event

TS2000i in same instance only sees the indicators “Turn Off” (they are still there in the chart and only need to be ticked on again, and do not need to be recompiled.
Dont recall loosing data in GServer

Posted: Sep 04 2006
by Stanley Miller
Dear Milton,

Thank you very much for the report. Could you please install the most recent beta verions and let us know at once if you experience the problem again?

Posted: Sep 07 2006
by miltonc4
Hi Stanley
The below problems do not occur in event of an unexpected shutdown for the current build,which is good...BUT...

My problem is....what is causing MultiCharts to crash/shutdown and in doing so reboot the computer
It only happens when connected to the internet(EG Particularily when searching on Web,opening sites etc whilst MC is running)
My live data is from MarketCast so I dont have to be connected to web,but soon as I do and start using Internet explorer the problems occur
It is not the browser as it never happens until MC is running,may take 2 minutes,or may take longer,but eventually the PC reboots
Any thoughts