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Upgrading beta1 to beta2

Posted: Aug 30 2006
by Nick

The recent beta was updated after a few days, can I update from the old beta (1.90.574.946) to the most recent by installing over the top?

Can you arrange a 'back up all data' option in your install routine? Or better a preserve all data option.


P.S. Could the board moderator do something about all the spam? The majority of the first page is Cr%p now.

Posted: Aug 30 2006
by Alex Kramer
It is recommended to uninstall the previous version; if you've been experienceing problems with studies, it's definetely recommended to clean out the folders as expained in the Beta thread - those files have a tendencey to linger.

As to "backup/preserve all data", you mean that the studies and templates should be preserved the way databases currently are?

P.S: we're trying one anitspam solution after another in attempts to keep the forum accessible to casual users that wouldn't like to go through a complete approval process just to post a message about a single urgent problem.
The spam gets on my nerves as well - but so far the best measure seems to be manually cleaning several times a day.

Posted: Aug 31 2006
by Nick
Hi Alex,

Yes, most people will want to keep all there data, studies, templates, layouts. When upgrading. If there is a chance they can get corrupt it would be good to automatically back up those.

Not a big deal really (particularly as there are not lots of updates) but something to concider for the future).


P.S. Could someone manually delete the spam for now? It certainly won't create a good impression for potential new customers. It has got to the stage where its is more than irritating its laborious to find the genuine posts :-)

Posted: Aug 31 2006
by momentum
Nick, I don't know how you are upgrading but I do an uninstall and then clean the directories as per the instructions. I don't lose anything. If you are losing stuff then it may be because you are deleting databases.