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Export Code from PLEditor

Posted: Aug 30 2006
by dougm_tx
Is there anyway I can export protected code. All i can find is read-only.

That is protect my code and export it...


Posted: Sep 01 2006
by Alex Kramer
When working on the code in PLEditor, click Tools->Protect Study.
You'll be prompted to enter and repeat a password, after saving this study will become protected - a password will be required to open its code.

Posted: Sep 01 2006
by dougm_tx
Hmm, I must be blind :)

When I pull the Tools menu down, the only entry is 'Editor Options' and I don't see anything within that dialog to protect.


Posted: Sep 01 2006
by Alex Kramer
Please make sure you've created a new study and selected a name for it first.

Posted: Sep 01 2006
by dougm_tx
still not getting it...

here is what i just did:

In PLEditor with nothing open
File -> New... -> Select Indicator radio button in 'New' dialog - > OK
Dialog box opens to enter Name -> 'MyTest' -> OK
Opens blank editor window with title 'MyTest(Indicator)'
NOTE: checked Tools menu - no option to protect
Enter some code -> plot1(100);
NOTE: checked Tools menu - no option to protect
Compiled 'MyTest' from compile menu
NOTE: checked Tools menu - no option to protect

Not sure what I'm doing wrong...PLEditor V1.0

Thanks again

Posted: Sep 03 2006
by dougm_tx
I downloaded and installed a beta version MC. The PLEditor included with the beta has the option to protect code. Funny that the 2 versions of PLEditor which seem to be significantly different both show to be Version 1.0.

Posted: Sep 04 2006
by Stanley Miller
We don't change the version of PLEditor so far, you have to check the version of MultiCharts until we fix this. Do you have any open issues? Please let me know.