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Posted: Sep 06 2006
by acharttrader
Hey I'm just wondering if opentick works for anyone with the newest beta version of MC (610.985) or if it is even supposed to work yet since there were still some bugs to be worket out.

Here's what is happening for me - in my Quote Manager and under Data Sources, it says otFeed is active and my connection is online. I can search symbols and add them to the exchange lists that are unique to ot. Everything looks fine there, but when I attempt to chart any symbol I get either small bars with no price change, bars that are up or down in exactly one point increments, or extremely wide range bars that then return to the average price.

So, any ideas or help would be great. Thanks in advance.

Posted: Sep 07 2006
by Stanley Miller
It sounds like you have incorrect price scale settings for your symbols. Could you please post here the screenshots of your charts so we can better understand what is going on your side?

Posted: Sep 07 2006
by Stanley Miller
Also, we have just released new online tutorial which shows you how to work with OpenTick data feed. It might be helpful

Posted: Sep 07 2006
by acharttrader
Here's a chart example of GOOG on a 3 minute chart.

Also, this is the most amount of data I am able to receive. I change the data range, either the amount of bars or the dates, but it's the same result of what shows on the chart.

Posted: Sep 08 2006
by acharttrader
Well here's what I did: I uninstalled MC and found any file and folder that had anything to do with MC and deleted those. Then I reinstalled the lastest beta version. Quote Manager had the opentick exchanges already written in, which weren't there before, so I didn't have to add them. I downloaded some data and the charts came up much more normal. So apparently getting rid of all the previous MC stuff helped.

Anyway, now it's just a matter of getting more price history data downloaded and displayed on the chart.

Posted: Oct 11 2006
by fundjunkie
Also, we have just released new online tutorial which shows you how to work with OpenTick data feed. It might be helpful
I've tried following the tutorial and have had problems. Opentick doesn't show up in the add-symbol list. I'm gonna try hand-cranking it but would appreciate help getting my beta ironed out to match whats in the tutorial.


Posted: Oct 12 2006
by Alex Kramer
Yeou're right, at this moment Opentick does not show in the Add Symbol - From Data source list, symbols are to be added manually

Posted: Oct 12 2006
by fundjunkie
Yeou're right, at this moment Opentick does not show in the Add Symbol - From Data source list, symbols are to be added manually
When is that due to be added? And will the IQfeed be added to the list too?