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Is the New Beta Stable ?

Posted: Sep 22 2006
by Guest
It has been quite some time since the new beta was made available.

For the guys that are using it, is it stable now ?

Any major bugs still out there ?


Re: Is the New Beta Stable ?

Posted: Sep 25 2006
by Guest
It has been quite some time since the new beta was made available.

For the guys that are using it, is it stable now ?

Any major bugs still out there ?

The answer is NO

Posted: Sep 25 2006
by Nick
Absolutely not.

I only upgraded because the old beta wiped all my studies so i had to restore stuff anyway. Huge mistake. It seems that I spend more time trying to get MC up and running and to stay up and running than I do trading (i'm actually not exagerating here). Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I feel shamed.


Posted: Sep 26 2006
by Guest
Absolutely not.

I only upgraded because the old beta wiped all my studies so i had to restore stuff anyway. Huge mistake. It seems that I spend more time trying to get MC up and running and to stay up and running than I do trading (i'm actually not exagerating here). Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I feel shamed.

Nick, thanks for the heads up.
I will not upgrade.

Hope you did not miss any profitable setups due to the mess.

Good trading !

Posted: Sep 27 2006
by Alex Kramer
Dear Nick -

If you have a critical need to have a constanlty working MultiCharts installation, we recommend to use the stable version.
Beta versions unavoidably cause and will be causing problems, this is the nature of beta testing.


Posted: Sep 29 2006
by Nick
Sure I can accept that. I had fewer major problems with the old version until one day all my studies disapeared so I thought I'd go ahaead and upgrade. Stanley had sugeested that it should be 'much better'. As I said my mistake as much as anyones, I will be more wary in the future. Mind you if you do a major upgrade of drawing tools I'll jump right in maybe :-)

I am trading pretty much using only trend lines channels pitchforks etc. though I do have some old favourite TS studies in seperate workspaces that I might use for longer term stuff. I still find Easy Language quickest and easiest to prototype new ideas out but I am not inclined to fiddle to much during the trading day in case I break something.


Posted: Sep 29 2006
by Alex Kramer
Well, there are issues, we are working on them and you're often among the first to report them; the new version is stable with studies so Stanley was right in that regard.

As to the drawing tools, we do not have any major featur updates for them, although bug fixing and interface improvement based on your requests is surely in order.