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Linked buttons in chart window

Posted: Oct 05 2006
by maxme
I found in the last beta version the new 2 link buttons in the chart window ; which is the use for these buttons ?

Posted: Oct 06 2006
by Alex Kramer
Here's a snippet from the new upcoming of the MultiCharts help file about those linking buttons.

With the Linking feature it is possible to reproduce the changes made on a single chart across a set of other charts (or all charts) in a workspace. It is possible to make the same symbol appear on numerous charts, for instance in different resolutions or with different indicators applied, or to change the resolution for different symbols at once.

There are two Linking buttons – the Symbol Linking (IMG) and Resolution linking (IMG) included by default in the Status Line for every symbol.
Clicking any of those buttons opens a menu that includes a Not Linked (black), Linked to All (blue-and-red) and a list of color options.

If the button is black, the symbol/resolution is not linked, so it can be edited manually only, by selecting the chart and formatting the symbol or its resolution.
If the button is blue-and-red, the symbol/resolution is linked to all, so the changes made to the symbol or resolution in any other chart will be reflected in it.
If the button is filled with a color, only changes made to the symbols with the same button color will be reflected. In this way several groups of data series sorted by color can be created in the workspace and edited together if necessary.

Symbol Linking

If the charted symbol is changed (i.e. another one is selected in the Format Symbol dialog), all linked symbols will change to display the same data series.

The resolution of the original symbol is preserved; all applied studies or signals will be recalculated using the new data series, all manually placed drawing objects maintain their location.

Note: Objects generated from formula calculations (such as signal arrows etc.) may disappear if the new data series does not match the corresponding criteria.

Resolution Linking

If the charted symbol’s resolution is changed (i.e. another resolution is selected in the Format Symbol dialog, Settings tab), all linked symbols will use the same resolution for their data series.

The original symbols are preserved; all applied studies or signals will be recalculated using the new resolution, all manually placed drawing objects maintain their location.
Note: Objects generated from formula calculations (such as signal arrows etc.) may disappear if the data series in the new resolution does not match the corresponding criteria.


Posted: Oct 12 2006
by maxme
these linked button are very useful !
Please now add only a button to " load previous or next symbol " !
best regards

Posted: Oct 13 2006
by Nick
I wonder if they should only link charts within the same workspace rather than Globally? I am not too sure, but perhaps favour workspace only. Perhaps a configuration option?


Posted: Oct 13 2006
by Alex Kramer
The linking works across EVERYTHING - it works between workspaces in an instance of Multicharts. Saved workspaces are checked for links as they open so their linked symbols open in the actual symbol and resolution. Finally, linking works even between different instances of MultiCharts running on the same computer.
So what problems is this or is likely to cause?

Posted: Oct 13 2006
by Nick
No problem at all - its just a question of what is most useful to most people.

I think it is probably more useful on a workspace by workspace basis but that is a suspicion rather than a strong a feeling.

I look at several timeframes concurrently so probably would never use the timeframe link anyway. I also tend to look at one instrument at a time too. I currently find it easier to have different worksheets for the different symbols I am looking at.

Knowing how it is implemented I might put different time frames in different workspace and link them...I'll see how that pans out.

In the past I have carefuly avoided doing anything that might require a chart to refresh as the consequences where un predictable! As things seem better in thet respect I might see if I can make improvements in my method of working.


Posted: Oct 16 2006
by Alex Kramer
Thanks for the feedback, Nick, we're considering putting a leash on those buttons, so to say :)