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Quote Manager - Not pulling in data

Posted: Oct 11 2006
by fundjunkie
I've realised that Quote Manager does not seem to be pulling in any data for listed symbols. Instaed, I have t chart the symbol for data t be gathered...

I conducted a test this morning. December heating Oil was empty when i checked the data. So, i charted it and data was pulled in and then visible in QM too.

Do I really have to open a chart for every symbol that I want to collect data for? Please note, I "connect" all of my symbols when created...


Re: Quote Manager - Not pulling in data

Posted: Oct 11 2006
by fundjunkie
I've realised that Quote Manager does not seem to be pulling in any data for listed symbols. Instaed, I have t chart the symbol for data t be gathered...

I conducted a test this morning. December heating Oil was empty when i checked the data. So, i charted it and data was pulled in and then visible in QM too.

Do I really have to open a chart for every symbol that I want to collect data for? Please note, I "connect" all of my symbols when created...

After talking to TS SUPPORT I've realised the problem. My MC install has some stability issues where the progra doesn't close cleanly. The result of this is that all of my symbols are disconnected at restart.

If anyone else out there is finding MC doesn't close cleanly remember to reconnect your symbols at startup.


Posted: Oct 12 2006
by Alex Kramer
This can be readily reproduced - set all symbols to Online and then get MultiCharts to terminate abnormally, e.g. by killing processes through Windows TaskManager.
The connection state will not be saved so next time MultiCharts is started, the symbols in QuoteManager will show up as Offline.

Posted: Oct 12 2006
by fundjunkie
This can be readily reproduced - set all symbols to Online and then get MultiCharts to terminate abnormally, e.g. by killing processes through Windows TaskManager.
The connection state will not be saved so next time MultiCharts is started, the symbols in QuoteManager will show up as Offline.
I've also seen that deleting large numbers of symbols also causes connected symbols to dsconnect - even though the app. doesn't report any errors. I can only assume that this is because the application is effectively locked during the period of deletion and the connections get deactivated.

Deleting batches of symbols does seem to cause some sort of problem for MC though. Once done, processes remain in background even after the application is closed, indicating soemthing has gone wrong. No errors get flashed to screen though...
