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Offline data mode for IB access

Posted: Oct 14 2006
by GD
Is this not working now. I have the latest beta version, and this functionality seems to have disappeared. I used to be able to work offline w/o connecting to IB, but now it demands an IB login - even when set to offline mode.

I'm trying to access my local historical ES futures data on Saturday when IB is down, but it won't access the local data without establishing a connection with IB.

Does anyone know if something changed?



Posted: Oct 14 2006
by momentum
I had the same problem but the work around is to change the end date of the request to the last date that you have data for. Just flies in then.

Posted: Oct 14 2006
by GD
Ok, thanks. Good idea. Actually, though, I just went to try your suggestion, and it worked as it is supposed to - it retrieved my data w/o logging in before I had a chance to modify the symbol format. Very weird. I'll watch it to see if this inconsistency remains.

Alex et al, the only difference was that this time, I fired up when the mode was already set to the Offline preference. Previously, I fired up with Online - get missing data as the current preference, then switched to Offline, then tried to load the workspace. I wonder if that's related to the problem.


Posted: Oct 14 2006
by TJ
I had the same problem.

I started MC... chose "Off-line" data at the dialogue box.

I loaded the wsp... then MC popped open my IB log-in. I guess it is looking for live feed.

I have to shut down MC and restart it... then the wsp would load up from off-line data.

Posted: Oct 16 2006
by Alex Kramer
Dear users -
This is a known issue with updating the data server settings. You came up with the right solution - the application needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect. Sorry for the inconvenience, this will be fixed.

Posted: Dec 02 2006
by templ
Dear users -
This is a known issue with updating the data server settings. You came up with the right solution - the application needs to be restarted for the changes to take effect. Sorry for the inconvenience, this will be fixed.
Is it fixed now?

I work in offline mode but, MC tries to connect to IB, if I change my chart resolution. (beta .1126)

Posted: Dec 03 2006
by Stanley Miller
Is it fixed now?

I work in offline mode but, MC tries to connect to IB, if I change my chart resolution. (beta .1126)
It has been already fixes a long ago and it shouldn't happen anymore. Could you please post the log files of QuoteManager generated when you work in offline mode and MultiCharts tries to connect to IB?

Posted: Dec 05 2006
by templ
Could you please post the log files of QuoteManager generated when you work in offline mode and MultiCharts tries to connect to IB?
Maybe it has to do, that in my Quotemanager were some symbols in realtimemode?

Where is the file located and how it is called?
I only found this MsiDiffTool.log but it was empty.
In C:\Program Files\TS Support\Logs the folder was also empty.

In the screenshot are eventlogs