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About MC dataserver mode

Posted: Oct 16 2006
by fundjunkie
Hi All,
This feature "appears" to be making no difference to the behaviour of MC when drawing charts. Regardless of the setting QM will connect with remote sources and pull data. And, regardless of the setting, a workspace chart will download data in bursts from the provider.

I'm gonna take a closer look at this as I've noticed it while doing other things. But can you describe to me exactly what the different modes mean functionally?


Posted: Oct 16 2006
by Alex Kramer
Are you analyzing the behavior of IB or another data source?
The modes should do exactly what their names say, but there are known issues that we're working on - like IB trying to access data even when set to work offline.

Posted: Oct 16 2006
by fundjunkie
Are you analyzing the behavior of IB or another data source?
The modes should do exactly what their names say, but there are known issues that we're working on - like IB trying to access data even when set to work offline.
Okay, yes I'm using IB. As long as you're aware...

Posted: Oct 17 2006
by Alex Kramer
The problem can be solved - it appears because when you change the data server settings, the new selection is not properly applied. We're working to this. Please select offline mode and restart MultiCharts, then try creating a chart.