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Economic Calendar Indicator for MC

Posted: Oct 23 2006
by damageboy
I've coded an utility and indicator for MC to plot Economic Events,
The resulting chart looks something like this:

I've re-exported the indicator to include the ELDateToString and ELTimeToString function which may not be installed on your MC installation...

NOTE: This indicator is based on ADE, which is based on ELCollections extension to TS, which is also compatible with the latest beta of MC (1.90.644.1126).
To install ADE / ELCollections / GlobalVariables you can refer to a prior post of mine:

The package is made of 3 parts:
  • A .csv file containing the economic events, generated from the Econoday economic calendar:
    You will find it in the file named "econoday-2006.csv"
  • An utility to (re-)generate the above mentioned .csv file, this utility required the .net 2.0 runtime framework to be installed in advance
  • The indicator
The indicator has the following inputs:
  • TZOffset - Amount in hours (can be positive/negative) to offset the data for display, For example, in the example chart, I use the exhcnage time zone, so ET needs to be offset by "-1" for local MC
  • Filename - Path to the .csv file. No istakes here or you have to reload MC
  • DisplayTickOffset - Some configurable display offset to make sure economic events don't appear one on top of the other..
  • DisplayTimeText - Prepend the time of the event to the text (useful when pltting events on high time frames charts (60m/120m)
  • FontName - Font to use for the text
  • FontSize - Guess....
NOTE: You will have to set the chart space to the right property so that the information items can actually appear at their correct place...

Posted: Oct 24 2006
by bernard
Thanks, can you also post the program that generates the csv file? Or it's inside the

Posted: Oct 26 2006
by damageboy
It's inside the file

If you feel anxious to see the source PM me, I don't mind sharing it, just didn't want to add TOO much noise.

Posted: Oct 29 2006
by Guest
I don't see where to download the indicator, its not in the EconodayScraper zip, or am I possibly missing something?

Thanks a bunch for your generous contributions

Posted: Oct 29 2006
by damageboy
My bad, I somehow deleted the .xml attachment.
My sincere apologies...

Master post now contains the .xml file.
The file contains the app + .csv

Function unknown

Posted: Oct 29 2006
by epepping
Thanks, I installed everything including the collections and the neccesasy AD library.
however when i compile the ELTimeToString function is unknown...

Posted: Oct 29 2006
by damageboy
I will add it to the list of exported functions and re-export.
It's just one of those functions I was never sure about whether they belong to the plain vanilla distribution or not... (The name ELXXX usually suggests they do..)

Posted: Mar 13 2007
by AccuracySR
I get an error when I try to add the study
company Bamboo
erro location EL collections
error category el collections error
source string there is no colection with that ID erro code 0

I importeed and complied the els files (all data and ell collections) and I put the dll files in the correct location but wasnt sure where the EconodayScraper\Econoday-2006.csv and EconodayScraper\EconodayScraper.exe exel go?

Posted: Mar 13 2007
by damageboy
The .csv file can go anywhere you want to place it in.
The "trick" is to point the indicator to the .csv file.
So the Filename input of the indicator should point to the file.

The .csv file is placed in c:\2007.csv
The Filename input needs to point to "C:\2007.csv"
The input MUST INCLUDE the Quote marks.

The .exe/.dll files can go anywhere you want them to, they are not used @ runtime.
In theory (unless bloomberg changes the economic event listing) you should run the .exe file once every year to get the .csv file :)

Posted: Jan 04 2009
by ax
Trying to run scraper and I receive an error message "unable to connect to the remote server"

Any help would be most appreciated.

Posted: Jan 04 2009
by TJ
Trying to run scraper and I receive an error message "unable to connect to the remote server"
Any help would be most appreciated.
In all fairness, please first tell us WHAT you have done...

Re: Economic Calendar Indicator for MC

Posted: Jul 04 2011
by bomberone1
It doen't work anymore.
Could you post opencode to improve it please?

Re: Economic Calendar Indicator for MC

Posted: Jul 04 2011
by TJ
It doen't work anymore.
Could you post opencode to improve it please?
Have you read the whole thread?

In all fairness, please first tell us WHAT you have done...

Re: Economic Calendar Indicator for MC

Posted: Jul 05 2011
by bomberone1

Re: Economic Calendar Indicator for MC

Posted: May 05 2016
by bomberone1

Re: Economic Calendar Indicator for MC

Posted: May 05 2016
by TJ
Please see this thread:
The Economic Events Collection for MultiCharts