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Update Order for Workspaces and Charts

Posted: Oct 30 2006
by Guest
When MC starts up, are the workspaces and charts updated in a particular order ?

I store some chart data in ADE that i would like other charts to use, naturally i want such charts updated before the rest.

thanks, for any responses.

Posted: Oct 30 2006
by Alex Kramer
Dear Guest -

On starting the application, workspaces open in the same order as they were situated on program close.

There is no specific set order in which the charts update; this depends on the data incoming from the data source, as soon as an update is received for a symbol, it's plotted on the corresponding symbol's chart.

Posted: Oct 30 2006
by Guest
Dear Guest -

On starting the application, workspaces open in the same order as they were situated on program close.
What do you mean ?
If i have workspaces A,B,C in order from left to right on MC open, are you saying they get updated from A to C in order ?
If not, what do you mean ?
There is no specific set order in which the charts update; this depends on the data incoming from the data source, as soon as an update is received for a symbol, it's plotted on the corresponding symbol's chart.
If like you said, it depends on the data incoming,
what if i have data for the same symbol plotted on 2 charts ?
And what if the 2 charts are plotted over 2 different workspace ?