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E-mini russell missing data for no reason.

Posted: Nov 10 2006
by ybfjax
When I loaded ER2 (emini Rusell for TS) 30 sec, 1 min and 5 minute charts onto MC, I notice that it skips from 00:18:00 to 10:00.

It did NOT do this for the e-mini nasdaq NQ charts (nasdaq properly shows the whole 24 hour period). I did NOTHING different. So what happened to my data? Loads in TS just fine for both ER2 and NQ symbols.

Posted: Nov 10 2006
by Alex Kramer
Please check your settings, both in the Format Symbol ->Settings and in the Quote Manager's symbol settings.
When I tried this here, I can see data on the chart in the period from 00:18:00 to 10:00, as shown in the screenshot.